Scope 1 Emissions
2022 Communication on Progress
Published date
June 29, 2022
No. of questions
Supplemental files
Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy.pdfQuality and Occupational Health, Environment and Food Safety Policy.pdfEti Soda Code of Conducts.pdfHuman Resources Regulation.pdfISO 14046 Verification Certificate.pdfISO 14064 Verification Certificate.pdfHuman Resources Regulation.pdfAnti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy.pdfQuality and Occupational Health, Environment and Food Safety Policy.pdfEti Soda Code of Conducts.pdfWater Policy.pdfBiodiversity Policy.pdfQuality and Occupational Health, Environment and Food Safety Policy.pdfClimate Change Policy.pdfQuality and Occupational Health, Environment and Food Safety Policy.pdfSustainability Policy.pdfAnti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy.pdfCEO Statement
Policies and Responsibilities
1. Does the Board / highest governance body or most senior executive of the company:
2. Does the company have a publicly stated commitment regarding the following sustainability topics?
3. Does the company have in place a code of conduct regarding each of the following sustainability topics?
4. Has the company appointed an individual or group responsible for each of the following sustainability topics?
5. Does the company have a formal structure(s) (such as a cross-functional committee) to address each of the following sustainability topics?
6. Does the company have a process or processes to assess risk?
6.1. During the assessment of risk, which business relationships are reviewed?
7. Does the company have a due diligence process through which it identifies, prevents, mitigates, and accounts for actual and potential negative impacts on sustainability topics?
7.1. During the due diligence process, which business relationships are reviewed?
Concerns and grievance mechanisms
8. Are there any processes through which members of the company’s workforce can raise concerns about the company’s conduct related to human rights, labour rights, environment, or anti-corruption?
8.1. Please provide additional detail regarding the process(es) the company has through which members of the company’s workforce can raise concerns about the company’s conduct.
9. Does the company provide or enable access to effective remedy to right holders / stakeholders where it has caused or contributed to the adverse impact?
10. How does the company capture lessons regarding each of the following sustainability topics?
Executive Pay
11. Is executive pay linked to performance on one or more of the following sustainability topics?
Board Composition
12. Percentage of individuals within the company’s Board / highest governance body by:
13. Do you produce sustainability reporting according to:
Optional commentAdditionally, Eti Soda has been making CDP reporting on Climate Change and Water Security since 2013.Data Assurance
14. Is the information disclosed in this questionnaire assured by a third-party?
Human Rights
Materiality / Saliency
1. Which of the following has the company identified as material human rights issues connected with its operations and/or value chain, whether based on their salience (i.e., the most severe potential negative impacts on people) or another basis?
8. Briefly describe practical actions the company has taken during the reporting period and/or plans to take to implement the human rights principles, including any challenges faced and actions taken towards prevention and/or remediation.
Eti Soda activities are carried out without discrimination in line with the Human Resources Regulation, Ethical Behavior Principles, Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy, and the Whistleblowing Policy. In this context, relations with the supply chain are carried out under both applicable laws and ethical principles of Eti Soda. Eti Soda has supplier ethical codes that suppliers are informed about from the start of the business relationship, and they are required to abide by these codes in their practices. In order to guide our employees and stakeholders to report any legal, policy, or ethical code violations that they detect or suspect in good faith based on confidentiality, without being subject to any retaliation or grievance, we formed Whistleblowing Policy. In the scope of this policy, the Ethics Committee is responsible for investigating and concluding the complaints and claims reported.As a member of SEDEX, one of the world’s leading ethical trade membership organizations, we act to improve our employees' working conditions and our suppliers and subcontractors to expand our moral values and positive impact. Every year, an audit is carried out by a third party organization within the scope of SEDEX in our company. In this context, no major finding was detected in 2021. At the same time, we started to encourage our suppliers to register with the SEDEX system and complete Self Assessment Questionnaires (SAQ). In 2021, we enabled 8 of our suppliers to become SEDEX members. In 2022, we aim to have 50% of our suppliers become SEDEX members and complete the SAQs. In addition to this, in 2022 it is planned to support Women Empowermetn Principles.Labour
1. Does the company have a policy commitment in relation to the following labour rights principles?
1.1. For each labour rights policy, is it:
2. In the course of the reporting period, has the company engaged with affected stakeholders or their legitimate representatives in relation to the following labour rights issues?
3. What type of action has the company taken in the reporting period with the aim of preventing/mitigating the risks/impacts associated with this labour rights issue?
4. Who receives training for the following labour rights issues?
5. How does the company assess progress in preventing/mitigating the risks/impacts associated with the following labour rights issues?
6. What is the percentage of employees covered under collective bargaining agreements?
Optional commentAll employees at all levels have collective bargaining rights, and they are constantly informed about this. However, there is no such request by Eti Soda employees.7. What is the percentage of employees in a trade union or other workers' organization?
Optional commentAll employees have the right of being in a trade union or other workers' organization. However, there is no employee in this situation.8. In the course of the reporting period, what was the percentage of women in:
9. What was the average ratio of the basic salary and remuneration of women to men (comparing jobs of equal value) during the reporting period?
10. In the course of the reporting period, how frequently were workers injured (injuries per hour worked)?
Optional commentAFR - Accident Frequency Rate: Number of injuries X 1.000.000 / Employee-hours worked11. In the course of the reporting period, what was the company’s incident rate?
Optional commentNumber of injuries X 200.000 / Employee-hours workedResponse and Reporting
12. In the course of the reporting period, has the company been involved in providing or enabling remedy where it has caused or contributed to the adverse impact associated with the following labour rights issues?
13. Briefly describe practical actions the company has taken during the reporting period and/or plans to take to implement the labour rights principles, including any challenges faced and actions taken towards prevention and/or remediation.
Health insurance was provided to all employees in 2021 to cover expenses related to health status or to pay for other unexpected expenses due to an illness or injury. Additional payments for social assistance have begun to be made to employees in cases of birth, death or marriage. Self-defense training was given to female employees in order to strengthen women's mental and physical strength and increase women's solidarity. With the principle of facilitating and supporting the participation of our disabled employees in social life and removing all obstacles in front of them, all our disabled employees and their relatives with 1st degree disabled people are considered to be on administrative leave on 03 December, International Day of Persons with Disabilities. Implementation of the Reward Penalty Procedure, which was initiated in 2018 in our company, is planned to be continued until 2023. In this context, it is aimed to manage the occupational safety activities of our personnel, to contribute to their work focused on occupational safety by creating and measuring individual performance monitoring criteria, to continuously improve the behavior of the employees in a positive way by rewarding the personnel whose performance increases in practice, who work in accordance with the rules and contribute. Each unit forms a group according to the number of employees and the work is done in groups. The highest performing groups are rewarded. This practice, which is carried out in 3-month periods, is in the form of group work and creates an autocontrol system. It is planned to establish a Communication Board in order to evaluate and resolve the requests, suggestions and complaints of our company employees. Within the scope of the "Mourning Leave" application, it is planned to give 2 more days of "Mourning Leave" in addition to the 3-day legal death leave, in case the 1st degree relatives of the employees, including the spouse, die. It is aimed to ensure that spouses can also benefit from the health insurance application provided for employees.Environment
1. Does the company have a formal policy on the following environmental topics?
1.1. For each environmental policy, is it:
2. In the course of the reporting period, has the company engaged with affected stakeholders or their legitimate representatives in relation to the following environmental issues?
3. What type of action has the company taken in the reporting period with the aim of preventing/mitigating the risks/impacts associated with these environmental topics?
4. How does the company assess progress in preventing/mitigating the risks/impacts associated with the following environmental topics?
4.1. For each environmental topic in which the company sets timebound goals / targets, what kind of targets has the company set?
4.2. For each environmental topic in which the company sets timebound goals / targets, how is progress against target / goal tracked?
5. In the course of the reporting period, has the company been involved in providing or enabling remedy for any actual impacts associated with the following environmental issue(s)?
Climate Action
6. What were the company’s gross global greenhouse gas emissions for the reporting period?
Scope 2 Emissions
Scope 3 Emissions
Optional commentScope 1: Full Scope 2: Full Scope 3: Partial7. What percentage of the company's revenue was invested in R&D of low-carbon products/services during this reporting period?
8. Has the organization acted to support climate change adaptation and resilience?
Energy / Resource Use
9. Please report the company's renewable energy consumption as a percentage of total energy consumption in the reporting period.
Optional commentWe have renewable solar energy project plans in 2022.Technology
10. What percent of the company's revenue came from environmentally friendly products / services during this reporting period?
Sector-specific Questions
11. Which sector(s) does the company operate in? If diversified, choose top 3 by revenue.
Sector-specific: Water
12. Please provide details regarding the company's water withdrawal and consumption (own operations) during the reporting period.
Water withdrawal (volume of water in megaliters):
Water consumption (volume of water in megaliters):
13. Please provide details about the company’s water intensity of products in regions with high or extremely high water stress.
Sector-specific: Air pollution
17. Where applicable, please report the company's emissions of the following pollutants during the reporting period.
Sector-specific: Waste
18. Please report the company's total weight of waste generated in metric tonnes during the reporting period.
19. Please report the percentage of the company's waste that was hazardous waste (i.e., hazardous waste ratio) during the reporting period.
Optional comment0.035% hazardous waste ratio20. Please report the company's estimated metric tonnes of single-use plastic consumed wherever material along the value chain during the reporting period.
Overall Environment
21. Briefly describe practical actions the company has taken during the reporting period and/or plans to take to implement the environment principles, including any challenges faced and actions taken towards prevention and/or remediation.
As a signatory to the Science-Based Targets Initiative in 2021, we committed to calculating and reducing greenhouse gas emissions in production based on scientific data. In addition to reporting our water management performance in line with the principle of transparency, together with the CEO Water Mandate, which we signed in 2021, we also support global water protection policies. Eti Soda participated in CDP Climate Change and Water Programs. CDP is a worldwide reporting platform and organizations can share their greenhouse gas emissions, water use and their strategies in a transparent way. In 2021 Eti Soda became a global leader in Water program with A score and became among the leaders of Turkey in Climate Program with the score A-.Anti-corruption
1. Does the company have an anti-corruption compliance programme?
2. Does your company have policies and recommendations for employees on how to act in case of doubt and/or in situations that may represent a conflict of interest, e.g. with regard to gifts and hospitality, donations, sponsorship, or interactions with public officials?
Optional commentWe have Business Ethic Codes and Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy.Prevention
3. Who receives training on anti-corruption and integrity?
3.1. How often is such training provided?
4. Does the company monitor its anti-corruption compliance programme?
Response and Reporting
5. Please report the company's total number and nature of incidents of corruption during the reporting year.
6. Within the reporting period, what measures has the company taken to address suspected incidents of corruption independently or in response to a dispute or investigation by a government regulator?
7. Does your company engage in Collective Action against corruption?
8. Briefly describe practical actions the company has taken during the reporting period and/or plans to take to implement the anti-corruption principle, including any challenges faced and actions taken towards prevention and/or remediation.
In order to fulfill the commitment of Eti Soda to fight against bribery and corruption and to show its approach towards bribery and corruption, “Eti Soda A.Ş. Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy” was established on 07.01.2021. We set a target as "Zero bribery and corruption case" and there was no case in 2021. To ensure, develop, execute, monitor and review the requirements of the ISO 37001 Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption management system in our company, to guide the employees, to coordinate with the members of the Ethics Committee in possible notice notifications and to report the performance of the anti-bribery management system to the Board of Directors / Senior Management. 2021 Ecovadis CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) sustainability study was carried out. ETİ SODA A.Ş. has been rated at Gold level in line with the activities it has carried out and the targets it has reached.