2022 Communication on Progress

UPG Paint & Coating Co., Ltd

  • Governance

    Policies and Responsibilities

    1. Does the Board / highest governance body or most senior executive of the company:

    Optional comment
    "Sign off on organizational sustainability targets" We as a holder of the certificates of ISO9001 Quality Management, ISO 14001 Environmental Management System, ISO 45001 Occupational Health & Safety Management System and Responsible Care Management System, had been annually setting and achieving the below organizational sustainability targets since we achieved the certificates in 2008 till 2020. • Energy Consumption Reduction Target • Water Consumption Reduction Target • Effluent Discharged Reduction Target • Waste Reduction Target • Incident Reduction Target • Zero-Fatality Target • Loss Time Injury (LTI) Free Target • Customer Complaint Reduction Target In 2021, due to COVID-19 Pandemic, we had to suspend our whole Objective & Target Initiative comprising both sustainability targets and the business targets. Instead of this broader Objective & Target Initiative, in this reporting period, we started practicing the company’s Golden Rules comprising labour, environmental and social related rules, as our annual targets. The Golden Rules are as follows. • Use specified PPE. • Use work area permit. • Work safely at height. • Report all injuries and incidents. • Not safe, stop! • No pollution to water drainage • Be customer friendly. • No blame each other • No drugs or alcohol in workplace • Say ‘We’, ‘Us’, ‘Our’ and ‘Together’. As the company achieved all the Golden Rules targets for 2021, the Board of Directors has signed-off these achievements in 2022. The company also achieved the OSH targets of maintaining ‘Zero-Fatality’ and ‘Loss Time Injury (LTI)’ for 2021 and the Board of Directors has signed-off in 2022. In 2022, we resume practicing the broader Objective & Target Initiative comprising annual sustainability targets and also keep practicing the Golden Rules. "Supervise Environmental, Social, and Governance reporting" The Managing Director of the company supervised and participated in all of the meetings held for this reporting.

    2. Does the company have a publicly stated commitment regarding the following sustainability topics?

    No, this is not a current priority

    No, but we plan to have a commitment within 2 years

    Yes, and the commitment is focused on our own operations

    Yes, and the commitment includes our own operations and the value chain

    Yes, and the commitment includes our own operations and the value chain along with communities and society

    Human Rights

    Labour Rights / Decent Work



    3. Does the company have in place a code of conduct regarding each of the following sustainability topics?

    No, this is not a current priority

    No, but we plan to have a code of conduct within two years

    Yes, focused on employee conduct

    Yes, focused on employees and suppliers

    Yes, focused on employees, suppliers, and other business relationships

    Human Rights

    Labour Rights / Decent Work



    Optional comment
    We will develop code of conducts for Labour Rights/ Decent Work and Environment within two years. Up to now, we have been practicing as per the manuals, procedures and work instructions of our ISO14001 Environmental Management System and ISO45001 Occupational Health & Safety Management System for the sustainability topics.

    4. Has the company appointed an individual or group responsible for each of the following sustainability topics?

    No one is specifically responsible for this topic

    Yes, with limited influence on outcomes (e.g., limited access to internal information, limited decision-making authority)

    Yes, with moderate influence on outcomes (e.g., has access to relevant information, reports to senior manager)

    Yes, with direct influence of some outcomes (e.g., has access to relevant information, includes one or more senior manager with decision making rights

    Yes, with direct influence at the highest levels of the organization (e.g., has access to relevant information, includes most senior members of organization)

    Human Rights

    Labour Rights / Decent Work



    Optional comment
    "Labour Rights/ Decent Work" The company has been practicing an Integrated Management System (IMS). In the IMS, ISO 45001 OHSMS and ISO14001 EMS are two sub-systems. To effectively implement the company’s IMS, the IMS Steering Committee chaired by the Managing Director and led by the Executive Directors, was formed in 2009, and reformed in 2022. This committee is directly responsible for the labour rights issues regarding occupational health and safety. The committee oversees the following committees and teams. 1) OHS Main Committee (ie. For occupational health & safety) 2) RCMS Committee (ie. For Responsible Care Management System) 3) Legal Committee (ie. For legal compliance) 4) Internal Audit Team (ie. For IMS auditing) 5) Emergency Response Team (ie. For supervising First Aid Team, Firefighting & Evacuation Team, Schedule Waste & Chemical Team) For the other labour rights issues so far, Human Resources Department and the Administration Division are only two responsible units with limited influence over it. After developing the code of conduct for labour rights/ decent work, there will be a group particularly responsible for the company’s Labour Rights/ Decent Work. "Environment" The above IMS Steering Committee led by the highest level of the company is primarily responsible for all the environmental issues and to achieve the environmental objectives and targets of the company.

    5. Does the company have a formal structure(s) (such as a cross-functional committee) to address each of the following sustainability topics?

    No formal structure

    Yes, and with limited influence on outcomes (e.g., limited access to internal information necessary to understand risks, poor representation from relevant departments or functions)

    Yes, with moderate influence on outcomes (e.g., it includes representatives of some functions, departments, or business units most relevant for addressing the risks concerned, has access to relevant information, reports to senior manager)

    Yes, with direct influence on some outcomes (e.g., it includes representatives of functions, departments, or business units most relevant for addressing the risks concerned, has access to relevant information, it involves one or more members of senior management)

    Yes, and with direct influence at the highest level of the organization (e.g., full access to relevant information, it involves members at highest level of organization)

    Human Rights

    Labour Rights / Decent Work



    Optional comment
    Please see our optional information in No.4.


    6. Does the company have a process or processes to assess risk?

    No, this is not a current priority

    No, but we are planning to develop one in the next two years

    Yes, related to our own operations

    Yes, related to our own operations and entire value chain and other business relationships

    Human rights risks

    Labour rights risks

    Environmental risks

    Corruption risks

    Optional comment
    “Labour Rights Risks & Corruption Risks” We will develop standard risk assessment procedures for these two sustainability topics within two years. “OHS & Environment” Conforming to our ISO45001 OHS and ISO14001 EMS, we have been implementing our standard operating procedure titled UP-P14 Risk Assessment & Establishing Objectives for risk assessments of the occupational health, safety and environment. This procedure in general covers identification and classification of risks, evaluation of risks, preventing, removing and reducing risks, communicating with the interested parties (if necessary) and establishing, implementing and evaluating of HSE objectives & targets. The IMS Steering Committee with the approval of the Board of Directors, is responsible for this process.

    7. Does the company have a due diligence process through which it identifies, prevents, mitigates, and accounts for actual and potential negative impacts on sustainability topics?

    No, this is not a current priority

    No, but we are planning to develop one in the next two years

    Yes, related to our own operations

    Yes, related to our own operations and entire value chain and other business relationships

    Human rights risks

    Labour rights risks

    Environmental risks

    Corruption risks

    Optional comment
    Please kindly see our optional information in No. 6.

    Concerns and grievance mechanisms

    8. Are there any processes through which members of the company’s workforce can raise concerns about the company’s conduct related to human rights, labour rights, environment, or anti-corruption?

    Optional comment
    “Process for Raising Concerns over OHS (Human Rights/ Labour) & Environment” The members of the group of committees and teams under the IMS Steering Committee are at almost every unit, work area or floor of the company. They have rights and responsibilities to raise the concerns related to the OHS and environment through the hierarchy of the IMS Steering Committee. “Informal Process for Raising Concerns over Human Rights, Labour (Other than OSH) & Anti-Corruption” We do not have a formal process for raising concerns over human rights, anti-corruption and labour rights (ie. other than OSH). However, any employee can report informally (eg., through supervisors) or directly to the Managing Director or the Executive Directors when they have a serious concern. However we will develop a code of conduct comprising formal process for raising concerns over labour rights/ decent work and environment within two years. We have also incorporated the following two commitments into our updated Company Policy. - To provide safe, healthy, decent and inclusive workplace for our workforce and have consultation and participation of non-managerial employees in implementing it - To protect employees from reprisal when reporting incidents, hazards, risks and opportunities We will put processes for raising concerns about the company's conduct on labour rights/ decent work and anti-corruption in their future codes of conduct.

    8.1. Please provide additional detail regarding the process(es) the company has through which members of the company’s workforce can raise concerns about the company’s conduct.



    Is the process communicated to all employees/workers in local languages?

    Is the process available to non-employees (e.g., contractors, vendors, suppliers)?

    Is the process confidential (e.g., whistleblowing process)?

    Are there processes in place to avoid retaliation?

    Can concerns be raised about suppliers or other business relationships (e.g., clients, partners, etc.)

    Other (Please provide additional information)

    Optional comment
    “Detailed Process for Raising Concerns over OHS & Environment (ie. HSE)” The process for raising concerns over OHS & Environment (ie. HSE) is communicated to all employee/ workers in local language. In fact, as for this process, we have established two-way communication channels between the IMS Steering Committee and the all employees/ workers. The process is titled UP-P16 HSE Communication, Participation & Consultation. This is one of our IMS documents and the IMS Steering Committee is responsible for it. This process has two parts. The first part is for external communication and the second part is for internal communication which consist of the process for raising concerns about the company’s conduct regarding HSE. The detailed process of the second part of UP-P16 is as follows. ‘UP-P16 HSE Communication, Participation & Consultation (Internal Communications)’ Steering Committee shall ensure the internal communication being implemented effectively through the following methods: a) Two-Way Communication Two-way communication channel has been established through memo, email, suggestion box, toolbox meeting, discussion etc to; 1. collect information from employees for improvement 2. ensure the information is pass to concern personnel. b) HSE Issue The company shall communicate to all employees about HSE progress, change in IMS, difficulties during implementation and recognition of significant contribution of individuals, through noticeboard or email or toolbox meeting. Management Representative (MR) shall ensure that all the employees have been properly communicated and/ or trained the followings. 1. Company policies, objectives and management programme 2. Identified significant risks after risk assessment 3. Applicable legal and other requirements 4. Emergency preparedness programme 5. Role and responsibilities of employee 6. Customer and other interested parties’ requirements 7. Identified significant hazards and aspects Safety Committee Meeting If any Quality, HSE issue occurred, the concern HOD shall create Non-Conformance Report (UP-F10) (Notification) in SAP System and evaluate the need to carry out corrective action. Should there is corrective action required, the Steering Committee shall review the need of risk assessment before the proposed corrective action being implemented. The concern personnel shall be communicated to prevent the incident recur. Steering Committee shall ensure employees (including non-manager workers) have been participated and consulted the followings. 1) Involvement in Risk Assessment (UP-F66) and its countermeasures 2) Involvement in Monthly Incident Report ( UP- F73) 3) Provide consultation where any change affects the HSE performance 4) Representation on HSE matters/ issues 5) Determining the needs and expectations of interested parties (Refer to UP–CM ) 6) Involvement in incident investigation (Refer to UP–P13 ) 7) Involvement in developing and reviewing the company policy, objective and management programme (Refer to UP–P14 ) 8) Determining how to fulfil legal requirements and other requirements (Refer to UP–P15) 9) Determining applicable controls for outsourcing, procurement and contracting (Refer to UP–P03) 10) Drills (Refer to UP–P12 ) 11) Ensuring continual improvement 12) Determining competence requirements, training needs, trainings and training evaluations (Refer to UP–P10); Furthermore, one of our commitments regarding raising concerns over our policy and protecting reprisals stated in the Company Policy is as below. - To protect employees from reprisal when reporting incidents, hazards, risks and opportunities

    9. Does the company provide or enable access to effective remedy to right holders / stakeholders where it has caused or contributed to the adverse impact?

    No process to enable remedy to stakeholders

    Remedy available to some stakeholders (i.e., some geographies, employees only)

    Remedy is available to all affected stakeholders

    Remedy is available to all stakeholders, and suppliers are expected to have similar policies

    Human Rights

    Labour Rights / Decent Work



    Optional comment
    In accordance with the Company Policy, the remedies are available to all company's employees/ workers.


    10. How does the company capture lessons regarding each of the following sustainability topics?

    No lessons are regularly captured

    Conducts root cause analyses/investigation of major incidents

    Conducts root cause analyses/investigation and changes organizational policies, processes, and practices accordingly

    Systematically conducts root cause analyses/investigation and leverages learnings to influence both internal and external affairs

    Human Rights

    Labour Rights / Decent Work



    Optional comment
    Since our IMS is integrated with ISO9001 QMS, ISO14001 EMS, ISO45001 OHSMS and Responsible Care Management System, we have been practicing the below three procedures consisting of capturing lessons regarding quality and HSE. A. UP-P13 Incident Investigation Procedure This procedure in general covers: 1) obtaining incident information, forming investigation team; 2) executing investigation; 3) finding out root cause; 4)estimating impacts; 5) implementing corrective action; 6) communicating & remedying affected employees/ workers or interested parties; and 7) periodical reviewing of the records. B. UP-P08 Improvement Procedure This procedure in general covers: 1) monitoring company’s quality, HSE performance & activities; 2) finding non-conformance (or) receiving comment/ complaint from employees/ interested parties (or) acknowledging failed HSE objective; 3) root cause investigation; 4) sourcing information; 5) taking corrective action; and 6) improving IMS C. UP-P09 Internal Audit Procedure This procedure in general covers: 1) appointing Lead Auditor; 2) setting audit team and audit checklist; 3) auditing; 4) issuing non-conformance report 5) issuing audit summary; 6) taking corrective action 7) improving in management review meeting

    Executive Pay

    11. Is executive pay linked to performance on one or more of the following sustainability topics?

    No, and we have no intention to change

    No, but we plan to within two years


    Human Rights

    Labour Rights / Decent Work



    Board Composition

    12. Percentage of individuals within the company’s Board / highest governance body by:


    Not applicable (Please provide additional information)

    Total number of board members (#)


    Male (%)


    Female (%)


    Non-binary (%)


    Under 30 years old (%)


    30-50 years old (%)


    Above 50 years old (%)


    From minority or vulnerable groups (%)


    Executive (%)


    Independent (%)

    Optional comment
    There are 6 directors in the Board of Directors of the company. They all are also Executive Directors. 5 directors are males and 1 director who is the Director of Production, Research & Development, and Quality Assurance departments is female. There is 1 male director who is 30-50 years old in the Board of Directors. 3 directors are from minority ethnics and/ or religions. There is no independent director in the Board of Directors.

    13. Do you produce sustainability reporting according to:

    We do produce HSE reporting and submit to Responsible Care, International

    Data Assurance

    14. Is the information disclosed in this questionnaire assured by a third-party?

    All of the emissions mentioning in this Questionnaire are calculated from the 'Air Quality Monitoring Results' done by the Environmental Management Taskforce, Pollution Control & Cleansing Department, Yangon City Development Committee (i.e, municipal) in 2021. (We have uploaded the copies the original documents.) We also submitted these data to Myanmar Responsible Care Council.
  • Human Rights

    Materiality / Saliency

    1. Which of the following has the company identified as material human rights issues connected with its operations and/or value chain, whether based on their salience (i.e., the most severe potential negative impacts on people) or another basis?

    Optional comment
    According to the socio-economic context of Myanmar and the locations of our operations, we identified the above five issues as the material human rights issues connected with our operations.


    8. Briefly describe practical actions the company has taken during the reporting period and/or plans to take to implement the human rights principles, including any challenges faced and actions taken towards prevention and/or remediation.

    As for the material human rights issues connected with our operations, we have incorporated the commitments in our Company Policy, developed IMS manuals, procedures and work instructions, and been implementing these commitments. We would also develop a code of conduct for labour rights/ decent work comprising these five issues, within two years. Regarding these issues, we are committed to move forward as far as we could as per the guidelines showing in the UNGC COP Questionnaire.
  • Labour


    1. Does the company have a policy commitment in relation to the following labour rights principles?

    No, and we have no plans to develop a policy

    No, but we plan to in the next two years

    Yes, included within a broader policy

    Yes, articulated as a stand-alone policy

    Not applicable (Please provide additional information)

    Freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining

    Forced labour

    Child labour

    Non-discrimination in respect of employment and occupation

    After the Company Policy review and updating in 2022 for 2021, we incorporated non-discrimination commitment into the Company Policy. (Please see the uploaded Company Policy.)

    Occupational safety and health


    Working conditions (wages, working hours)

    After the Company Policy review and updating in 2022 for 2021, we incorporated working conditions commitment into the Company Policy. (Please kindly see the uploaded Company Policy.)

    1.1. For each labour rights policy, is it:

    Aligned with international labour standards?

    Publicly available?

    Approved at most senior level of the company?

    Applied to the company’s own operations?

    Applied to the company’s supply chain and/or other business relationships?

    Developed involving labour rights expertise from inside and outside the company?

    Other (Please provide additional information)

    Freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining

    Forced labour

    Child labour

    Non-discrimination in respect of employment and occupation

    Occupational safety and health

    Working conditions (wages, working hours)

    Optional comment
    We hope that the labour rights commitments mentioning in our Company Policy and the ISO 45001 OHSMS practicing in our company are aligned with the international standards. In terms of OSH, the company received ‘ASEAN-OSHNET EXCELLENCE AWARD 2017’ in 2018, for the company’s OSH performance for it’s workforce. The Company Policy has been updated and approved by the Board of Directors, and signed by the Managing Director. It is publicly available on our website (i.e., https://www.upgpaint.com/). The Company Policy is only applied to the company’s operations.


    2. In the course of the reporting period, has the company engaged with affected stakeholders or their legitimate representatives in relation to the following labour rights issues?

    No engagement on this topic

    To better understand the risks/ impacts in question

    To discuss potential ways to prevent or mitigate the risks/ impacts in question

    To agree on a way to prevent/ mitigate the risks/ impacts in question

    To assess progress in preventing/ mitigating the risks /impacts in question

    To collaborate in the prevention/ mitigation of the risks/ impacts in question

    Other (Please provide additional information)

    Freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining

    Forced labour

    Child labour

    Non-discrimination in respect of employment and occupation

    Occupational safety and health

    Working conditions (wages, working hours)

    Optional comment
    ‘Formation of Workplace Coordinating Committee for Collective Bargaining’ In accordance with the Settlement of Labour Dispute Law of Myanmar, the company has formed a Workplace Coordinating Committee on July 6, 2020, with a view to make collective bargaining. The committee members are 3 representatives of workers elected and signed by 471 workers and 3 representatives of the employer. The company also submitted the formation of Workplace Coordinating Committee and the list of the committee members to Department of Labour, Hlaing Tharyar Township, Yangon. The company updated and submitted the committee member list again on February 2, 2022. ‘Forced Labour, Child Labour, Non-Discrimination, OSH and Working Conditions’ Conforming to the Company Policy and the company’s Human Resources Department Manual, we do not allow forced labour, child labour and discrimination of any form in the company. The company has also been collaborating, as necessary, with the Department of Labour of Myanmar and the company’s workers for these issues in accordance with the respective laws of Myanmar.

    3. What type of action has the company taken in the reporting period with the aim of preventing/mitigating the risks/impacts associated with this labour rights issue?

    Provided internal training/ capacity building for the direct workforce

    Building capacity among relevant business relationships (e.g., partners, suppliers, clients, etc.)

    Conducting an audit process and/or corrective action plan

    Collective Action with peers or other stakeholders, in particular workers' organizations, to address the issue

    Collaboration with governmental or regulatory bodies

    Other (Please provide additional information)

    No action within reporting period

    Freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining

    Forced labour

    Child labour

    Non-discrimination in respect of employment and occupation

    Occupational safety and health

    Working conditions (wages, working hours)

    Optional comment
    In the reporting period, during the deadly second wave and third wave of COVID-19 outbreaks in Myanmar, the company executed the followings as OSH and the support the families of COVID-19 affected employees/ workers. A. PREVENTION & MITIGATION OF COVID-19 RISK AT WORKPLACE Engineering Controls Administrative Controls Support to COVID-19 Suspect or Infected Employees B. CSR RESPONSE TO COVID-19 PANDEMIC A Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Program called ‘UPG P&C’s Oxygen Concentrators Donation Project’ was implemented. A. PREVENTION & MITIGATION OF COVID-19 RISK AT WORKPLACE 1. ENGINEERING CONTROLS Enhancing Ventilation At all the company’s workplaces including the Head Office and the factories, doors and windows are opened if possible, all ventilating fans at the factories are switched-on, to reduce air-con enclosed areas and increase circulation of outdoor air as much as possible. Physical Distancing At all company units including the Head Office and the factories, the company repositioned workplaces and rearranged seating to create safer distance between the employees and demarcated the safe distances (at least 6 feet apart) using visual indicators (ie. Demarcation lines and marks) at all entrances, work areas and common places. Plastic partitions between the employees are installed where there could not be 6 feet apart. Floor markings are drawn in the elevators and near to the entrances of the elevators and washrooms to reinforce social distancing. Empty desks and meeting tables are marked with cross signs to maintain the safe distance. At the factory canteen where most employees enjoy dining, stanchion lines are drawn at the entrance area and in front of the food counter, for social distancing. At all the dining places in all company units, dining tables are rearranged as individual and/ or individually partitioned. Isolation In the factories, temporary isolation rooms are arranged for sick employees, to isolate before they are taken to the nearest government’ fever clinics. Visitors are discouraged but isolated parlors are also arranged for outside contractors, suppliers and buyers, with social distancing rules. Isolated restrooms are also available for the company’s delivery personnel who are in and out of the company premises frequently. 2. ADMINISTRTIVE CONTROLS Closure of Company Operation All the company units including the Head Office and factories were closed down during the periods of stay-at-home orders of the Ministry of Health & Sports (MOHS). The factories were reopened after passing the inspection of the health authorities and getting the permission to reopen. Work from Home (WFH) and Telework Employees whose job functions can be performed from home were to work from home (WFH) during 1st, 2nd and 3rd waves of the outbreak. The in-person meetings were replaced with Zoom video-conferencing. Staggering Work Shifts To spread out the employees across the time and place, and reduce possible congregation of the employees, at all company units including the Head Office and the factories, on-site employees had to attend on different days and times depending on their job functions. Some employees were to perform their work with hybrid work arrangement (ie. WFH and on-site alternatively). Vaccination Almost all employees in UPG P&C have been vaccinated and the company keeps the copy of the employees’ vaccination certificates. Antigen Rapid Test (ART) According to the company’s Workplace Health Program, at all company units including the Head Office and the factories, all onsite employees are required to take Antigen Rapid Test (ART) conducted by professional health workers, once every two weeks. The ART pass cards are to be attached to the employees’ ID card necklace. Safe Commuting Safe ferries to and from the workplaces are arranged for all employees. Employees have to ride the ferries from the start point to the destination. Ferries provide social distancing seating, temperature screening and hand sanitizers on board. The employees must wear face mask and face shield in the ferries. No employee is allowed to use public transport or taxi. Safe Entry At all the company units including the Head Office and the factories, employee temperature screening at the entrance of the workplaces are conducted daily, in accordance with the social distancing rules. The temperature screeners are equipped with non-touch thermometer, face mask, face shield, apron and gloves. Face Covering At all company units including the Head Office and the factories, all persons enter into the company’s premises must wear face mask at all times except during activities that require masks to be removed. Employees must also wear mask and face shield in the ferry. The company issues KN95 masks to all employees daily. Social Distancing At all company units including the Head Office and the factories, the company repositions workplaces and rearranges seating to create safer distance between the employees. The physical touch-points where employees could have close contact (ie. Within 6 feet) are minimized by staggering shifts. No facing seat, no workplace visit and no cross-deployment is allowed. In- person meetings are encouraged to replace with Zoom video-conferencing. Subject to the company’s staggering meal breaks, employees can have their lunch at the canteens where individual tables and/ or individually partitioned tables, disposable cups, paper towels, pedal sinks, soaps, sanitizers, water and pedal waste bins are available. (All employees must bring their lunch boxes. No Eat out is allowed.) Employee locker rooms in all company units must be used with staggering shifts. The lockers must be closed and cleaned by the respective employee after using. Cleaning & Disinfection At all the company units including the Head Office and the factories, every person enters into the company premises are encouraged to frequently wash or sanitize their hands for at least 20 seconds. The company also produces hand sanitizers and freely distributed to the employees. The hand sanitizers are available at all entrances, guestrooms, office rooms, meeting rooms, locker rooms, canteens and wash rooms. The practices of handshake, hug, fist-bump or high-five are discouraged. All high-touch surfaces like door handle, table surface, light switch, elevator bottom, handrail etc. are sanitized regularly. All the work areas, common areas, locker rooms, isolation rooms, canteens and washrooms are cleaned with disinfectant spray regularly. Daily housekeeping is done by the company’s housekeeping teams. No person is allowed to enter into the office areas with their outside footwear. Every person has to change their footwear with office footwear, clean their outside footwear and keep in the designated shoe cabinets. Visitor Entry At all company units including the Head Office and the factories, all visitors entering the company’s premises must have appointment, receive temperature screening, wear face mask, register at the security gates, draw visitor card and meet in the designated guestroom. The registration is to record the entry and help health authorities for contact tracing in case transmission is occurred. All frequent visitors like contractors and suppliers must fill Health Assessment Form. Information Dissemination At all company units including the Head Office and the factories, the orders and announcements of the Ministry of Health & Sports (MOHS) related to the company operation are strictly followed. And they are posted on the office notice boards, displayed as vinyl posters and stick on the walls at common areas. The instructions, warnings and reminders for COVID-19 are posted at the entrances and all other necessary areas. Through the PA systems, employees are being regularly reminded of MOHS and the company’s COVID-19 guidelines, especially for mask wearing, hand washing, and social distancing. UPG P&C Office Rules booklets comprising the company’s COVID-19 guidelines are in the drawer of the every office desk. Every floor and work area has Floor or Area In-Charge and Assistant In-Charge. Their contact numbers are provided to all respective employees for emergency. A list of local health emergency authorities and administrative authorities’ contact numbers is given to all employees concerned. Employees at Home Employee who is unwell or has symptoms of COVID-19, or tested positive for COVID-19, or identified by MOHS as close contact of an infected person, or has a sick family member at home with COVID-19, or his/ her neighborhood is heavily infected by COVID-19, is to immediately inform his/ her superior and stay home. Compliance Monitoring The following personnel are responsible to monitor and make sure the compliance of company’s COVID-19 Workplace Guidelines. All Departmental and Section Heads Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) Executive Security Teams 3. SUPPORT TO COVID-19 SUSPECT OR INFECTED EMPLOYEES Antigen Rapid Test (ART) All onsite employees are required to take Antigen Rapid Test (ART) conducted by professional health workers once every two weeks, through company’s Workplace Health Program. If an employee is tested suspect or infected, he/ she will be isolated, briefed about patient guidelines at home and neighborhood and drive to home by a designated company car. He/ she will be cured at home for 21 days. Information Dissemination To provide necessary support to the suspect or infected employee, the record of him/ her will be disseminated to the respective Departmental/ Section Head, Heads of Human Resources Department, Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) Committee, Administrative Department and the Company’s Doctor. Financial Support Every suspect or infected employee can apply for a company’s financial support of Kyat 100,000 through Personnel Affairs Committee (PAC) with ‘COVID-19 Suspect/ Infected Employee Support Application Form’. Medicines & Consultation Support With the consent of COVID-19 suspect or infected employee, the company will support drugs and medicines which will be deducted from the financial support he/ she is entitled. The employee shall daily report to the Company’s Doctor of his/ her health condition. To have consultation and motivation, the employee is informed to join the company’s ‘Talking about COVID-19’ Viber Group. Medical Oxygen Support Every COVID-19 suspect or infected employee can apply to hire the company’s oxygen concentrator or oxygen cylinder (with application & safety guidelines) through Personnel Affairs Committee (PAC) with ‘O2 Request Form’.

    4. Who receives training for the following labour rights issues?

    No training provided

    Select employees

    All employees


    Direct suppliers of the organization

    Indirect suppliers of the organization

    Other – such as partners, clients, etc.

    Freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining

    Forced labour

    Child labour

    Non-discrimination in respect of employment and occupation

    Occupational safety and health

    Working conditions (wages, working hours)

    Optional comment
    (A) The Program on Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management [ERHR2] In 2019, the company's Head of Human Resources Department, Ms. Su Lei Phyu, HR Executive attended “The Program on Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management [ERHR2]” in Japan. This training program was provided by Association of Overseas Technical Cooperation & Sustainable Partnerships (AOTS) of Japan. The training subjects include: 1. Current Development & Future Challenges of Trade Unions in Japan 2. Labour Relation Management 3. Retention Management 4. Workplace Environment Improvements for Better Mental Health 5. Pay & Appraisal Systems (B) Myanmar’s Labour Laws Training In 2018, 1 HR Executive, 2 HR Officers and 3 Administration Officers of the company attended “Myanmar’s Labour Laws Training”. This training was provided by the Ministry of Labour of Myanmar. The training subjects include: 1. The Settlement of Labour Dispute Law 2. The Social Security Law 3. The Workmen’s Compensation Act 4. The Payment of Wages Act 5. The Minimum Wages Law 6. The Leave and Holiday Act 7. The Employment Restriction Act 8. The Employment and Skill Development Law

    5. How does the company assess progress in preventing/mitigating the risks/impacts associated with the following labour rights issues?

    No monitoring of progress

    Review issues on ad-hoc basis

    Set annual targets/ goals, track progress over time (internal programs only)

    Set annual targets/ goals, track progress over time (internal and external programs)

    Other (Please provide additional information)

    Freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining

    Forced labour

    Child labour

    Non-discrimination in respect of employment and occupation

    Occupational safety and health

    Working conditions (wages, working hours)

    Optional comment
    Up to now, we monitor the progresses, apart from the OSH progress, on ad hoc basis in accordance with the company’s Human Resource Management Manual. As for the OSH progress, as submitted in the optional information for Question No. G1 and G10 respectively, we monitor the progress through the followings. 1. Objective & Target Initiative (Yearly since 2008) In 2021, due to COVID-19 Pandemic, we had to suspend our Objective & Target Initiative and started practicing the company’s ‘Golden Rules’ which are mainly of OSH targets. The company achieved all the Golden Rules targets in 2021. The company also achieved the OSH targets of maintaining ‘Zero-Fatality’ and ‘Loss Time Injury’ in 2021. 2. UP-P08 Improvement Procedure. This procedure in general covers: 1) monitoring company’s HSE performance & activities; 2) finding non-conformance (or) receiving comment/ complaint from employees/ interested parties (or) handling failed HSE objective; 3) root cause investigation; 4) sourcing information; 5) taking corrective action; and 6) improving IMS. In the future Code of Conduct for Labour Rights/ Decent Work, we will comprehensively incorporate the procedure for assessing progress in preventing/ mitigating the risks/ impacts associated with the labour rights.


    6. What is the percentage of employees covered under collective bargaining agreements?

    Percent of employees (%)


    Employees covered under collective bargaining (%)

    Optional comment
    There is no collective bargaining agreement in the company. The workers have just elected and signed 3 Workers' Representatives for the company's Workplace Coordinating Committee. The list of the representatives has been submitted to the Labour Department of Hlaing Tharyar Township, Yangon, Myanmar, on July 6, 2020, and updated on February 2, 2022.

    7. What is the percentage of employees in a trade union or other workers' organization?

    Percent of employees (%)


    Not applicable (Please provide additional information)

    Employees in a trade union or on a worker committee (%)

    Optional comment
    There is no trade union or workers’ organization in the company. The workers have just elected and signed 3 Workers' Representatives for the company's Workplace Coordinating Committee. The list of the representatives has been submitted to the Labour Department of Hlaing Tharyar Township, Yangon, Myanmar, on July 6, 2020, and updated on February 2, 2022.

    8. In the course of the reporting period, what was the percentage of women in:

    Percent of women (%)


    Senior leadership level position


    Non-executive board

    Optional comment
    There are 6 board of directors who are also executive directors in the company. One of the directors (ie. Director of the Departments of Production, R&D and QA) is a female.

    9. What was the average ratio of the basic salary and remuneration of women to men (comparing jobs of equal value) during the reporting period?

    Salary ratio (%)


    Choose to not disclose

    Women / Men (%)

    Optional comment
    We practice pay equality. Women and men are paid the same if performing the same job in the company. The currently calculated remunerations of women and men are: Senior Management Level: Women (1.73) Men (1.00) Middle Management Level: Women (1.03) Men (1.00) Functional Level: Women (1.00) Men (1.07)

    10. In the course of the reporting period, how frequently were workers injured (injuries per hour worked)?

    Frequency of injury


    Choose to not disclose

    Frequency of injury

    Optional comment
    (1) On 19.1.2021, a ring finger of a worker was jammed and injured when an electric pallet was loaded onto a truck. The incident investigation concluded that it was due to the poor awareness of the worker. (2) On 10.4.2021, a toe of a worker dislocated when he bumped into the bottom corner of a paint production mixer. The incident investigation concluded that the worker needed to wear safety boots and the bottom corner of the paint mixers must be fixed not to be sharp. (3) On 6.5.2021, a worker rode and jumped off a forklift, a forklift wheel rolled over his right foot and got an injury. The incident investigation concluded that the worker needed to wear safety boots, the forklift driver also needed to follow the company’s forklift safety rules, and Toolbox Meetings (TBM) for safety should be held every morning. (4) On 8.6.2021, a worker’s little finger was cut when he took a knife without handle. The incident investigation concluded that Toolbox Meetings (TBM) for safety should be held every morning.

    11. In the course of the reporting period, what was the company’s incident rate?

    Incident rate


    Choose to not disclose

    Incident rate

    Optional comment
    Please see the above optional information on No. 10.

    Response and Reporting

    12. In the course of the reporting period, has the company been involved in providing or enabling remedy where it has caused or contributed to the adverse impact associated with the following labour rights issues?



    Choose to not disclose

    Not applicable (Please provide additional information)

    Freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining

    Forced labour

    Child labour

    Non-discrimination in respect of employment and occupation

    Occupational safety and health

    Working conditions (wages, working hours)

    Optional comment
    Regarding four minor injuries of the workers in Question No. 10, since they were mild injuries and could be immediately treated by the clinic linked with the company, there was no compensation or loss time injury (LTI) in 2021. As for the other labour rights, there was no known adverse impact in 2021.

    13. Briefly describe practical actions the company has taken during the reporting period and/or plans to take to implement the labour rights principles, including any challenges faced and actions taken towards prevention and/or remediation.

    As stated in our Company Policy, ‘to fulfill all the applicable legal and regulatory requirements’ is one of our major commitments. We will strictly follow all the labour laws of Myanmar and respect all the international labour laws and business ethics concerning labour rights/ decent work. We will continually improve our ISO4001 OHSMS for our workforce in the future. We will develop and implement a company’s code of conduct for labour rights/ decent work within two year and move forward as per the guidelines of UNGC.
  • Environment


    1. Does the company have a formal policy on the following environmental topics?

    No, and we have no plans to develop a policy

    No, but we plan to in the next two years

    Yes, included within a broader policy

    Yes, articulated as a stand-alone policy

    Not applicable (Please provide additional information)

    Climate Action

    After the Company Policy review and updating in 2022 for 2021, we have expanded the environmental scope of the company. (Please see the uploaded Company Policy.)


    In our Company Policy, we have stated the below commitment regarding water and effluents. “To protect and conserve the environment by preventing incidents & pollutions, developing eco-friendly products & processes, reducing wastes & effluents, and minimizing energy & resource usage”


    Forests / Biodiversity / Land Use

    Air Pollution

    In our Company Policy, we have stated the below commitment regarding pollutions. “To protect and conserve the environment by preventing incidents & pollutions, developing eco-friendly products & processes, reducing wastes & effluents, and minimizing energy & resource usage”

    Waste (e.g., chemical spills, solid waste, hazardous, plastic, etc.)

    In our Company Policy, we have stated the below commitment regarding wastes. “To protect and conserve the environment by preventing incidents & pollutions, developing eco-friendly products & processes, reducing wastes & effluents, and minimizing energy & resource usage”

    Energy & Resource Use

    In our Company Policy, we have stated the below commitment regarding energy & resource use. “To protect and conserve the environment by preventing incidents & pollutions, developing eco-friendly products & processes, reducing wastes & effluents, and minimizing energy & resource usage”

    1.1. For each environmental policy, is it:

    Aligned with international environmental standards?

    Publicly available?

    Approved at most senior level of the company?

    Applied to the company’s own operations?

    Applied to the company’s supply chain and/or other business relationships?

    Developed involving environmental expertise from inside and outside the company?

    Other (Please provide additional information)

    Climate Action



    Forests / Biodiversity / Land Use

    Air Pollution

    Waste (e.g., chemical spills, solid waste, hazardous, plastic, etc.)

    Energy & Resource Use

    Optional comment
    We hope that the environmental commitments mentioning in our Company Policy and the ISO 14001 EMS practices implementing in our company are aligned with the international standards. The Company Policy has been updated and approved by the Board of Directors, and signed by the Managing Director. It is publicly available on our website (i.e., https://www.upgpaint.com) and only applied to the company’s operations.


    2. In the course of the reporting period, has the company engaged with affected stakeholders or their legitimate representatives in relation to the following environmental issues?

    No engagement on this topic

    To better understand the risks/ impacts in question

    To discuss potential ways to prevent or mitigate the risks/ impacts in question

    To agree on a way to prevent/ mitigate the risks/ impacts in question

    To assess progress in preventing/ mitigating the risks/ impacts in question

    To collaborate in the prevention/ mitigation of the risks/ impacts in question

    Other (Please provide additional information)

    Climate Action



    Forests / Biodiversity / Land Use

    Air Pollution

    Waste (e.g., chemical spills, solid waste, hazardous, plastic, etc.)

    Energy & Resource Use

    Optional comment
    “Climate Action” As a climate action, we, together with our stakeholders (i.e., the directors, employees, shareholders, sales dealers) had been planting trees in Yangon for 7 years since 2014. We also invited our stakeholders and held environmental talks in our factory compound. However, in 2021, we were unable to do these activities due to the pandemic. “Water” We had collaboration with the Hlaing Tharyar Industrial Zone Management Committee which is responsible for the management of our industrial zone, for the factory’s waste water treatment and discharging. We also had collaboration with Myanmar Science & Technology Research Department (MSTRD), Ministry of Science & Technology, for the quarterly analysis of the discharged water quality of our factory. "Air Pollution" We had collaboration with the Environmental Management Taskforce, Pollution Control & Cleansing Department, Yangon City Development Committee which is a government organization, for annual air quality monitoring and testing. "Waste" In accordance with the Myanmar Factories Act, Environmental Conservation Law, Yangon City Development Committee Act, and the UP-CM07 Waste Management Manual of our IMS, we had collaboration with the government authorities concerned for processing and/ or deposing of our factory’s both non-hazardous and hazardous wastes. "Energy & Resource Use" We had collaboration with the Hlaing Tharyar Industrial Zone Management Committee for energy and resource usage.

    3. What type of action has the company taken in the reporting period with the aim of preventing/mitigating the risks/impacts associated with these environmental topics?

    Provided internal training/ capacity building for the direct workforce

    Building capacity among relevant business relationships (e.g., partners, suppliers, clients, etc.)

    Conducting an audit process and/or corrective action plan

    Collective Action with peers or other stakeholders to address the issue

    Collaboration with governmental or regulatory bodies

    Other (Please provide additional information)

    No action within reporting period

    Climate Action



    Forests / Biodiversity / Land Use

    Air Pollution

    Waste (e.g., chemical spills, solid waste, hazardous, plastic, etc.)

    Energy & Resource Use

    Optional comment
    “Water, Air Pollution, Waste, Energy & Resource Use” As per our specific IMS manuals and procedures for these issues, we conducted internal auditing by the company’s Internal Audit Team (i.e., under the IMS Steering Committee and acts according to our UP-P09 Internal Audit Procedure). As an external auditing, on July 1, 2, 7, 9, 15, 16 and September 2, 7, 2021, our ISO certification body BM Trada, UK, conducted remote ISO auditing of our IMS covering prevention/ mitigation of the risks/ impacts of the water & effluents, pollutions, wastes, energies & resource use. As per both internal and external auditing procedures and plans, we had to carry out the necessary corrective actions.

    4. How does the company assess progress in preventing/mitigating the risks/impacts associated with the following environmental topics?

    No monitoring of progress

    Review issues on ad-hoc basis

    Set annual targets/ goals, track progress over time (internal programs only)

    Set annual targets/ goals, track progress over time (internal and external programs)

    Other (Please provide additional information)

    Climate Action



    Forests / Biodiversity / Land Use

    Air Pollution

    Waste (e.g., chemical spills, solid waste, hazardous, plastic, etc.)

    Energy & Resource Use

    Optional comment
    As we submitted in Question No. G1, we as a holder of the certificates of ISO9001 Quality Management, ISO 14001 Environmental Management System, ISO 45001 Occupational Health & Safety Management System and Responsible Care Management System, had been annually setting and achieving the below organizational environmental targets since we achieved the ISO 14001 EMS in 2008, till 2020. • Water Consumption Reduction Target • Effluent Discharged Reduction Target • Waste Reduction Target • Energy Consumption Reduction Target In 2021, due to COVID-19 Pandemic, we had to suspend our whole Objectives & Target Initiative comprising both sustainability targets and the business targets. In 2022, we could resume the program.

    5. In the course of the reporting period, has the company been involved in providing or enabling remedy for any actual impacts associated with the following environmental issue(s)?



    Choose to not disclose

    Not applicable (Please provide additional information)

    Climate Action



    Forests / Biodiversity / Land Use

    Air Pollution

    Waste (e.g., chemical spills, solid waste, hazardous, plastic, etc.)

    Energy & Resource Use

    Optional comment
    For the company, there was no reported impact associated with the environmental issues in the reporting period since the whole Myanmar including the company's operation areas was struggling with the COVID-19 Pandemic.

    Climate Action

    6. What were the company’s gross global greenhouse gas emissions for the reporting period?

    Scope 1 Emissions

    We could not measure our Scope 1 GHG Emissions fully. We could only measure our factory’s direct CO2 emission (i.e., as per the below tCO2e) which was derived from the data of own electricity generation during the usual blackouts in Myanmar, in the reporting period. Direct CO2 Emission from Own Electricity Generation in 2021 (UPG’s Factory): 39.463 tCO2e

    Emissions (tCO2e)

    Scope 2 Emissions

    We could not also measure our Scope 2 GHG Emissions fully. We could only measure our factory’s indirect CO2 emission (i.e., as per the below tCO2e) which was derived from the data of our factory’s consumption from government electricity supply in the reporting period. Indirect CO2 Emission from Government Electricity Supply in 2021 (UPG’s Factory): 1,101.681 tCO2e

    Emissions (tCO2e)

    Scope 3 Emissions

    We could not measure our GHG Scope 3 Emissions.

    Emissions (tCO2e)

    7. What percentage of the company's revenue was invested in R&D of low-carbon products/services during this reporting period?

    Percent of revenue (%)

    Optional comment
    During this reporting period, there was no investment in R&D since Myanmar and the company were struggling with COVID-19 Pandemic.

    8. Has the organization acted to support climate change adaptation and resilience?

    Energy / Resource Use

    9. Please report the company's renewable energy consumption as a percentage of total energy consumption in the reporting period.

    % of total energy consumption

    Optional comment
    We planned to generate our own renewable energy generation in the past. However we could not materialize until now. Myanmar has also no renewal energy provider.


    10. What percent of the company's revenue came from environmentally friendly products / services during this reporting period?

    Percent of total revenue (%)

    UPG Paint & Coating Co., Ltd. manufactures a wide range of paints and coatings. Out product range mainly consists of emulsion paints and emulsion sealers which have very low VOCs. According to our knowledge, there is still no universal definition for environmental-friendly paint in the global paint industry. However, there are some independent international environmental certification bodies such as Green Seal, GreenGuard, EcoLabel, SGLS which are testing paints and issuing environmental certificates. Myanmar still has no international or local environmental certification organization. For the present, we recognize our Low-VOC emulsion paints and sealers as our environmental-friendly products although they do not have environmental certificates. In 2018, two of our environmental-friendly products named Premier Solarshield and Premier Ordourless Paint achieved ‘ASEAN Outstanding Engineering Achievement Award 2018’ awarded by the ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organisation (AFEO) for the innovation in introducing of environmental friendliness and energy saving as product features.

    Sector-specific Questions

    11. Which sector(s) does the company operate in? If diversified, choose top 3 by revenue.

    Optional comment
    UPG is a paint and coating manufacturing company which is handling paint related chemicals.

    Sector-specific: Water

    12. Please provide details regarding the company's water withdrawal and consumption (own operations) during the reporting period.

    Water withdrawal (volume of water in megaliters):



    Not applicable (Please provide additional information)





    Surface water:






    Percentage of water withdrawn in regions with high or extremely high water stress (%)


    Water consumption (volume of water in megaliters):



    Not applicable (Please provide additional information)





    Surface water:






    Percentage of water consumed in regions with high or extremely high water stress (%)

    Optional comment
    We mainly consume ground water for our production. The ground water is withdrawn from our own well-reservoir tank in the outskirt of Yangon. For cleaning, washing and other miscellaneous purposes, we consume municipal tap water which are surface water and from the water supply lakes and reservoirs of Yangon. We consume all the water withdrawn from both ground and surface.

    13. Please provide details about the company’s water intensity of products in regions with high or extremely high water stress.

    Water intensity of products (cubic meter/$):

    We manufacture our products only in Yangon (i.e., the largest city) and Mandalay (i.e., the second largest city). Both cities have no water stress.

    Sector-specific: Air pollution

    17. Where applicable, please report the company's emissions of the following pollutants during the reporting period.

    Emissions (tCO2e)


    Not applicable (Please provide additional information)





    Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC)


    Hazardous air pollutants (HAP)

    We do not use Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAP).

    Particulate matter (PM10)


    Persistent organic pollutants (POP)

    Other (please specify in text box)

    Optional comment
    “NOx, SO2 and VOC” According to our calculations, our emissions of Nitrogen Oxides (NOx), Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) and Volatile Organic Compound (VOC)are near zero metric tonne during the reporting period. The detailed calculation results are as follows. 1. NOx: 0.00000004986 tCO2e 2. SO2: 0.000000025 tCO2e 3. VOC: 0.0000067 tCO2e We receive compulsory air quality tests every year from Myanmar Government. Therefore, we derived all the above emission figures from the 'Average Concentration' results of the ‘Air Quality Monitoring’ done by the Environmental Management Taskforce, Pollution Control & Cleansing Department, Yangon City Development Committee (i.e, municipal), in 2021. (We have uploaded the copies of the original documents in Governance Question 14.) We also submitted these data to Myanmar Responsible Care Council.

    Sector-specific: Waste

    18. Please report the company's total weight of waste generated in metric tonnes during the reporting period.

    Waste Generated (t)

    Optional comment
    In 2021, our factory generated 92.275 metric tonnes of total wastes. The total wastes consist of solid wastes and hazardous wastes. The solid wastes are primarily plastics and paper bags generated from the production. These waste a.k.a. recycling wastes are collected in the waste-bags disposal room and in the brick waste-tanks before they are sold out to the contracted recyclers. We submitted briefly about hazardous waste in the next question.

    19. Please report the percentage of the company's waste that was hazardous waste (i.e., hazardous waste ratio) during the reporting period.

    Hazardous Waste Ratio (%)

    Optional comment
    The hazardous wastes generated from the production of oil-based paints and the laboratories QC and R&D are being collected in drums and kept at the scheduled waste storage area before they are disposed into the Municipal (Yangon City Development Council - YCDC) designated landfill, in accordance with our UP-CM07 Waste Management Manual.

    20. Please report the company's estimated metric tonnes of single-use plastic consumed wherever material along the value chain during the reporting period.

    Single-use plastics (tonnes)

    We do not use single-use plastic. If the company unknowingly uses it, it would be very insignificant amount. The company will also check this issue and try to eliminate.

    Overall Environment

    21. Briefly describe practical actions the company has taken during the reporting period and/or plans to take to implement the environment principles, including any challenges faced and actions taken towards prevention and/or remediation.

    Environment is the integral part of our Company Policy, Our Mission and Our Core Values and the Company’s CSR Commitments. UPG P&C has been practicing ISO 14001 EMS since 2008, and improving our environmental performance by analyzing, setting, implementing and evaluating yearly environmental objectives and targets since 2009. In 2022, we have set a plan to implement the followings. 1. We will reduce our hazardous waste generated from the solvent-based paint plant, up to ≤ 20 Kg per 100 Metric Tonnes. 2. We will reduce our waste water generated from the water-based paint plant, up to effluent ≤ 11.0 m3 per 100 Metric Tonnes of production volume. 3. We will reduce the volume of the waste water generated from the water-based paint plant. We will also maintain the quality of effluent (i.e., BOD ≤ 50 ml/ lit and COD ≤ 250 mg/ lit) from our waste water treatment plant. 4. We conduct 2 trainings for Waste Management & Chemical Spillage Drill. 5. To keep the air quality within the limits of the Environmental Conservation Department, Ministry of Natural Resource & Environmental Conservation, Myanmar. 6. To develop a company’s code of conduct for environment.
  • Anti-corruption


    1. Does the company have an anti-corruption compliance programme?

    Optional comment
    In our company, the anti-corruption personnel rules and actions required are established in the personnel regulations of the company. All the employees have to strictly follow the company's personnel regulations.

    2. Does your company have policies and recommendations for employees on how to act in case of doubt and/or in situations that may represent a conflict of interest, e.g. with regard to gifts and hospitality, donations, sponsorship, or interactions with public officials?

    Optional comment
    1.We have already established some rules and actions required with regard to conflict of interest (eg. gifts and hospitality, donations, sponsorship, or interactions with public officials) in our personnel regulations. 2.In the updated Company Policy, as a step forward, we have incorporated the below commitment regarding conflict of interest. “To create workplaces that are free from misconducts including conflict of interest, discrimination, bullying, harassment and intimidation” 3.We will develop a company’s code of conduct for conflict of interest within two years.


    3. Who receives training on anti-corruption and integrity?

    Optional comment
    We will arrange necessary trainings in future.

    4. Does the company monitor its anti-corruption compliance programme?

    Optional comment
    For the present, as we have no fully established compliance programme, we are just monitoring through our informal process (eg. Through supervisors).

    Response and Reporting

    5. Please report the company's total number and nature of incidents of corruption during the reporting year.

    Number of incident(s)


    Choose to not disclose

    Confirmed during the current year, but related to previous years

    Confirmed during the current year, and related to this year

    6. Within the reporting period, what measures has the company taken to address suspected incidents of corruption independently or in response to a dispute or investigation by a government regulator?

    7. Does your company engage in Collective Action against corruption?

    Optional comment
    We have no Collective Action against corruption.

    8. Briefly describe practical actions the company has taken during the reporting period and/or plans to take to implement the anti-corruption principle, including any challenges faced and actions taken towards prevention and/or remediation.

    As stated in our Company Policy, ‘to fulfill all the applicable legal and regulatory requirements’ is one of our major commitments. We will strictly follow the Anti-Corruption Law of Myanmar (2013) and respect all the conventional business ethics concerning anti-corruption.