2022 Communication on Progress

Interconexion Electrica S.A. ISA ESP

Published date

June 30, 2022

No. of questions


Supplemental files

CEO Statement

  • Governance

    Policies and Responsibilities

    1. Does the Board / highest governance body or most senior executive of the company:

    Optional comment
    * Reporte integrado (IIRC y GRI): https://www.isa.co/es/grupo-isa/reporte-integrado-de-gestion-isa-2021/ * Reporte SASB como parte del Grupo Ecopetrol: https://files.ecopetrol.com.co/web/esp/cargas/2021-Ecopetrol_Informe%20SASB%20V7-2.pdf * Código de ética y conducta: https://www.isa.co/es/codigo-de-etica-y-conducta/ * Comité de Gobierno Corporativo, Sostenibilidad, Tecnología e Innovación (comité de Junta Directiva): https://isasapaginaswebisa001.blob.core.windows.net/paginawebisawordpress/2022/05/Acuerdo-129_ReglamentoComiteGobiernoCorporativoSostenibilidadTecnologiaeInnovacion.pdf

    2. Does the company have a publicly stated commitment regarding the following sustainability topics?

    No, this is not a current priority

    No, but we plan to have a commitment within 2 years

    Yes, and the commitment is focused on our own operations

    Yes, and the commitment includes our own operations and the value chain

    Yes, and the commitment includes our own operations and the value chain along with communities and society

    Human Rights

    Labour Rights / Decent Work



    Optional comment
    * Declaratoria de compromiso con los derechos humanos: https://isasapaginaswebisa001.blob.core.windows.net/paginawebisawordpress/2021/01/declaratoria-de-compromiso-sobre-derechos-humanos.pdf * Política pública de Derechos Humanos y empresas: https://isasapaginaswebisa001.blob.core.windows.net/paginawebisawordpress/2021/01/politica-publica-de-derechos-humanos.pdf * https://www.isa.co/es/grupo-isa/talento-isa/ * Política ambiental: https://isasapaginaswebisa001.blob.core.windows.net/paginawebisawordpress/2021/01/politica-ambiental.pdf * Marco de gestión ambiental: https://www.isa.co/es/valor-sostenible/gestion-ambiental/#:~:text=Nuestro%20compromiso%20es%20la%20identificaci%C3%B3n,planeta%20a%20las%20futuras%20generaciones * Marco de gestión ética: https://www.isa.co/es/grupo-isa/somos-eticos/

    3. Does the company have in place a code of conduct regarding each of the following sustainability topics?

    No, this is not a current priority

    No, but we plan to have a code of conduct within two years

    Yes, focused on employee conduct

    Yes, focused on employees and suppliers

    Yes, focused on employees, suppliers, and other business relationships

    Human Rights

    Labour Rights / Decent Work



    4. Has the company appointed an individual or group responsible for each of the following sustainability topics?

    No one is specifically responsible for this topic

    Yes, with limited influence on outcomes (e.g., limited access to internal information, limited decision-making authority)

    Yes, with moderate influence on outcomes (e.g., has access to relevant information, reports to senior manager)

    Yes, with direct influence of some outcomes (e.g., has access to relevant information, includes one or more senior manager with decision making rights

    Yes, with direct influence at the highest levels of the organization (e.g., has access to relevant information, includes most senior members of organization)

    Human Rights

    Labour Rights / Decent Work



    Optional comment
    * Human Rights: Dirección Corporativa de Sostenibilidad -> Vicepresidencia de relaciones institucionales -> Comité de Gobierno Corporativo, Sostenibilidad, Tecnología e Innovación (comité de Junta Directiva). * Labour Rights / Decent Work -> Vicepresidencia de Talento Organizacional -> Comité de talento organizacional (comité de Junta Directiva). * Environment: Dirección Corporativa de Sostenibilidad + Vicepresidencia de Transmisión de energía -> Comité de Gobierno Corporativo, Sostenibilidad, Tecnología e Innovación (comité de Junta Directiva). * Anti-Corruption: Vicepresidencia de auditoría y riesgos + Vicepresidencia de estrategia -> Comité de Auditoría y Riesgos (comité de Junta Directiva)

    5. Does the company have a formal structure(s) (such as a cross-functional committee) to address each of the following sustainability topics?

    No formal structure

    Yes, and with limited influence on outcomes (e.g., limited access to internal information necessary to understand risks, poor representation from relevant departments or functions)

    Yes, with moderate influence on outcomes (e.g., it includes representatives of some functions, departments, or business units most relevant for addressing the risks concerned, has access to relevant information, reports to senior manager)

    Yes, with direct influence on some outcomes (e.g., it includes representatives of functions, departments, or business units most relevant for addressing the risks concerned, has access to relevant information, it involves one or more members of senior management)

    Yes, and with direct influence at the highest level of the organization (e.g., full access to relevant information, it involves members at highest level of organization)

    Human Rights

    Labour Rights / Decent Work



    Optional comment
    * Human Rights: Dirección Corporativa de Sostenibilidad -> Vicepresidencia de relaciones institucionales -> Comité de Gobierno Corporativo, Sostenibilidad, Tecnología e Innovación (comité de Junta Directiva). * Labour Rights / Decent Work -> Vicepresidencia de Talento Organizacional -> Comité de talento organizacional (comité de Junta Directiva). * Environment: Dirección Corporativa de Sostenibilidad + Vicepresidencia de Transmisión de energía -> Comité de Gobierno Corporativo, Sostenibilidad, Tecnología e Innovación (comité de Junta Directiva). * Anti-Corruption: Vicepresidencia de auditoría y riesgos + Vicepresidencia de estrategia -> Comité de Auditoría y Riesgos (comité de Junta Directiva)


    6. Does the company have a process or processes to assess risk?

    No, this is not a current priority

    No, but we are planning to develop one in the next two years

    Yes, related to our own operations

    Yes, related to our own operations and entire value chain and other business relationships

    Human rights risks

    Labour rights risks

    Environmental risks

    Corruption risks

    Optional comment
    Procesos de debida diligencia adelantados según el caso por la Dirección de Sostenibilidad y/o Dirección de Aprovisionamiento y/o área de Ética y Cumplimiento.

    6.1. During the assessment of risk, which business relationships are reviewed?

    A few suppliers or business relationships [approximately less than 25 %]

    Several suppliers / business relationships (i.e., first tier or other high priority) [approx. 25 - 50 %]

    Most suppliers / relevant business relationships [approx. 51 - 99 %]

    All suppliers / relevant business relationships outside the supply chain

    Human rights risks

    Labour rights risks

    Environmental risks

    Corruption risks

    Optional comment
    Se revisa la totalidad de los proveedores críticos y de otros aliados se aplica proceso de debida diligencia en cumplimiento de parámetros de criticidad para los procesos, para la ética, para la seguridad de personas y activos y para la reputación.

    7. Does the company have a due diligence process through which it identifies, prevents, mitigates, and accounts for actual and potential negative impacts on sustainability topics?

    No, this is not a current priority

    No, but we are planning to develop one in the next two years

    Yes, related to our own operations

    Yes, related to our own operations and entire value chain and other business relationships

    Human rights risks

    Labour rights risks

    Environmental risks

    Corruption risks

    Optional comment
    Procesos de debida diligencia adelantados según el caso por la Dirección de Sostenibilidad y/o Dirección de Aprovisionamiento y/o área de Ética y Cumplimiento adelantados a proveedores críticos y a actividades relacionadas con las cuatro temáticas.

    7.1. During the due diligence process, which business relationships are reviewed?

    A few suppliers or business relationships [approximately less than 25 %]

    Several suppliers / business relationships (i.e., first tier or other high priority) [approx. 25 - 50 %]

    Most suppliers / relevant business relationships [approx. 51 - 99 %]

    All suppliers / relevant business relationships outside the supply chain

    Human rights risks

    Labour rights risks

    Environmental risks

    Corruption risks

    Optional comment
    Tendiente al 99% por ser los proveedores críticos (Pareto de nuestra base de proveedores de productos y servicios) y otros aliados.

    Concerns and grievance mechanisms

    8. Are there any processes through which members of the company’s workforce can raise concerns about the company’s conduct related to human rights, labour rights, environment, or anti-corruption?

    Optional comment

    8.1. Please provide additional detail regarding the process(es) the company has through which members of the company’s workforce can raise concerns about the company’s conduct.



    Is the process communicated to all employees/workers in local languages?

    Is the process available to non-employees (e.g., contractors, vendors, suppliers)?

    Is the process confidential (e.g., whistleblowing process)?

    Are there processes in place to avoid retaliation?

    Can concerns be raised about suppliers or other business relationships (e.g., clients, partners, etc.)

    Other (Please provide additional information)

    Optional comment
    https://www.isa.co/es/grupo-isa/linea-etica/ Nuestro código de ética y conducta tiene alcance a todos los miembros de nuestra cadena de valor y se tiene un documento especial para proveedores: https://isasapaginaswebisa001.blob.core.windows.net/paginawebisawordpress/2021/08/codigoConducta_VF_Esp.docx.pdf La línea ética es para acceso del público en general Se cuenta con mecanismos de reporte para comunidades con difícil acceso a internet y teléfono a través de profesionales sociales

    9. Does the company provide or enable access to effective remedy to right holders / stakeholders where it has caused or contributed to the adverse impact?

    No process to enable remedy to stakeholders

    Remedy available to some stakeholders (i.e., some geographies, employees only)

    Remedy is available to all affected stakeholders

    Remedy is available to all stakeholders, and suppliers are expected to have similar policies

    Human Rights

    Labour Rights / Decent Work



    Optional comment
    Nuestro código de ética y conducta tiene alcance a todos los miembros de nuestra cadena de valor y se tiene un documento especial para proveedores: https://isasapaginaswebisa001.blob.core.windows.net/paginawebisawordpress/2021/08/codigoConducta_VF_Esp.docx.pdf Derechos humanos: https://www.isa.co/es/valor-sostenible/conexion-por-los-derechos-humanos/#:~:text=Entendemos%20que%20los%20Derechos%20Humanos,nivel%20local%2C%20regional%20y%20nacional. Anti-corrupción: https://isasapaginaswebisa001.blob.core.windows.net/paginawebisawordpress/2021/02/GestionAnticorrupcionyAntisoborno.pdf


    10. How does the company capture lessons regarding each of the following sustainability topics?

    No lessons are regularly captured

    Conducts root cause analyses/investigation of major incidents

    Conducts root cause analyses/investigation and changes organizational policies, processes, and practices accordingly

    Systematically conducts root cause analyses/investigation and leverages learnings to influence both internal and external affairs

    Human Rights

    Labour Rights / Decent Work



    Executive Pay

    11. Is executive pay linked to performance on one or more of the following sustainability topics?

    No, and we have no intention to change

    No, but we plan to within two years


    Human Rights

    Labour Rights / Decent Work



    Board Composition

    12. Percentage of individuals within the company’s Board / highest governance body by:


    Not applicable (Please provide additional information)

    Total number of board members (#)


    Male (%)


    Female (%)


    Non-binary (%)


    Under 30 years old (%)


    30-50 years old (%)


    Above 50 years old (%)


    From minority or vulnerable groups (%)


    Executive (%)


    Independent (%)


    13. Do you produce sustainability reporting according to:

    Data Assurance

    14. Is the information disclosed in this questionnaire assured by a third-party?

    https://www.isa.co/es/grupo-isa/reporte-integrado-de-gestion-isa-2021/ Páginas 524 a 526
  • Human Rights

    Materiality / Saliency

    1. Which of the following has the company identified as material human rights issues connected with its operations and/or value chain, whether based on their salience (i.e., the most severe potential negative impacts on people) or another basis?

    Optional comment
    No son temas que estén teniendo brechas de gestión o desempeño, sólo son temas mapeados como más relevantes por su nivel de riesgo de afectación a los DDHH.


    2. Does the company have a policy commitment in relation to the following human rights issues?

    No, and we have no plans to develop a policy

    No, but we plan to in the next two years

    Yes, included within a broader policy

    Yes, articulated as a stand-alone policy

    Rights of women and/or girls

    Freedom of expression

    Rights of refugees and migrants

    Digital security / privacy

    Rights of indigenous peoples

    https://isasapaginaswebisa001.blob.core.windows.net/paginawebisawordpress/2021/01/declaratoria-de-compromiso-sobre-derechos-humanos.pdf https://www.isa.co/es/valor-sostenible/gestion-social/

    Access to culture

    Free, prior and informed consent

    Access to water and sanitation

    2.1. For each human rights policy, is it:

    Aligned with international human rights standards?

    Publicly available?

    Approved at most senior level of the company?

    Applied to the company’s own operations?

    Applied to the company’s supply chain and/or other business relationships?

    Developed involving human rights expertise from inside and outside the company?

    Other (Please provide additional information)

    Freedom of expression

    Digital security / privacy

    Rights of women and/or girls

    Access to culture

    Rights of indigenous peoples

    Free, prior and informed consent

    Rights of refugees and migrants

    Access to water and sanitation


    3. In the course of the reporting period, has the company engaged with affected stakeholders or their legitimate representatives in relation to the following human rights issues?

    No engagement on this topic

    To better understand the risks/ impacts in question

    To discuss potential ways to prevent or mitigate the risks/ impacts in question

    To agree on a way to prevent/ mitigate the risks/ impacts in question

    To assess progress in preventing /mitigating the risks/impacts in question

    To collaborate in the prevention/ mitigation of the risks/ impacts in question

    Rights of women and/or girls

    Freedom of expression

    Rights of refugees and migrants

    Digital security / privacy

    Rights of indigenous peoples

    Access to culture

    Free, prior and informed consent

    Access to water and sanitation

    4. What type of action has the company taken in the reporting period with the aim of preventing/mitigating the risks/impacts associated with this human rights issue?

    Provided internal training/ capacity building for the direct workforce

    Building capacity among relevant business relationships (e.g., partners, suppliers, clients, etc.)

    Conducting an audit process and/or corrective action plan

    Collective Action with peers or other stakeholders to address the issue

    Collaboration with governmental or regulatory bodies

    Other (Please provide additional information)

    No action within reporting period

    Rights of women and/or girls

    Freedom of expression

    Rights of refugees and migrants

    Digital security / privacy

    Rights of indigenous peoples

    Access to culture

    Free, prior and informed consent

    Access to water and sanitation

    5. Who receives training for the following human rights issues?

    No training provided

    Select employees

    All employees


    Direct suppliers of the organization

    Indirect suppliers of the organization

    Other – such as partners, clients, etc.

    Rights of women and/or girls

    Freedom of expression

    Rights of refugees and migrants

    Digital security / privacy

    Rights of indigenous peoples

    Access to culture

    Free, prior and informed consent

    Access to water and sanitation

    Optional comment
    Se hacen capacitaciones o socializaciones en función del nivel de exhaustividad que requiera el grupo en conocimiento del tema.

    6. How does the company assess progress in preventing/mitigating the risks/impacts associated with the following human rights issues?

    No monitoring of progress

    Review issues on ad-hoc basis

    Set annual targets/ goals, track progress over time (internal programs only)

    Set annual targets/ goals, track progress over time (internal and external programs)

    Other (Please provide additional information)

    Rights of women and/or girls

    Freedom of expression

    Rights of refugees and migrants

    Digital security / privacy

    Rights of indigenous peoples

    Access to culture

    Free, prior and informed consent

    Access to water and sanitation


    7. During the reporting period, has the company been involved in providing or enabling remedy where it has caused or contributed to adverse impact associated with the following human rights issue(s)?



    Choose to not disclose

    Not applicable (Please provide additional information)

    Rights of women and/or girls

    Freedom of expression

    Rights of refugees and migrants

    Digital security / privacy

    Rights of indigenous peoples

    Aunque cuenta con los mecanismos de remediación diseñados y previstos, la compañía no ha causado o contribuido al impacto adverso asociado con los derechos humanos, por tanto no los ha implementado.

    Access to culture

    Free, prior and informed consent

    Access to water and sanitation

    8. Briefly describe practical actions the company has taken during the reporting period and/or plans to take to implement the human rights principles, including any challenges faced and actions taken towards prevention and/or remediation.

    * Capacitación para desarrollo de capacidades en debida diligencia, identificación, prevención y mitigación de riesgos de irrespeto a los derechos humanos. * Auditorías a proveedores críticos en relación con los temas de derechos humanos * Socialización de lecciones aprendidas asociadas a escenarios de riesgo de irrespeto a los derechos humanos
  • Labour


    1. Does the company have a policy commitment in relation to the following labour rights principles?

    No, and we have no plans to develop a policy

    No, but we plan to in the next two years

    Yes, included within a broader policy

    Yes, articulated as a stand-alone policy

    Not applicable (Please provide additional information)

    Freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining


    Forced labour


    Child labour


    Non-discrimination in respect of employment and occupation


    Occupational safety and health

    Working conditions (wages, working hours)

    Optional comment

    1.1. For each labour rights policy, is it:

    Aligned with international labour standards?

    Publicly available?

    Approved at most senior level of the company?

    Applied to the company’s own operations?

    Applied to the company’s supply chain and/or other business relationships?

    Developed involving labour rights expertise from inside and outside the company?

    Other (Please provide additional information)

    Freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining

    Forced labour

    Child labour

    Non-discrimination in respect of employment and occupation

    Occupational safety and health

    Working conditions (wages, working hours)


    2. In the course of the reporting period, has the company engaged with affected stakeholders or their legitimate representatives in relation to the following labour rights issues?

    No engagement on this topic

    To better understand the risks/ impacts in question

    To discuss potential ways to prevent or mitigate the risks/ impacts in question

    To agree on a way to prevent/ mitigate the risks/ impacts in question

    To assess progress in preventing/ mitigating the risks /impacts in question

    To collaborate in the prevention/ mitigation of the risks/ impacts in question

    Other (Please provide additional information)

    Freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining

    Forced labour

    Child labour

    Non-discrimination in respect of employment and occupation

    Occupational safety and health

    Working conditions (wages, working hours)

    3. What type of action has the company taken in the reporting period with the aim of preventing/mitigating the risks/impacts associated with this labour rights issue?

    Provided internal training/ capacity building for the direct workforce

    Building capacity among relevant business relationships (e.g., partners, suppliers, clients, etc.)

    Conducting an audit process and/or corrective action plan

    Collective Action with peers or other stakeholders, in particular workers' organizations, to address the issue

    Collaboration with governmental or regulatory bodies

    Other (Please provide additional information)

    No action within reporting period

    Freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining

    Forced labour

    Child labour

    Non-discrimination in respect of employment and occupation

    Occupational safety and health

    Working conditions (wages, working hours)

    4. Who receives training for the following labour rights issues?

    No training provided

    Select employees

    All employees


    Direct suppliers of the organization

    Indirect suppliers of the organization

    Other – such as partners, clients, etc.

    Freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining

    Forced labour

    Child labour

    Non-discrimination in respect of employment and occupation

    Occupational safety and health

    Working conditions (wages, working hours)

    5. How does the company assess progress in preventing/mitigating the risks/impacts associated with the following labour rights issues?

    No monitoring of progress

    Review issues on ad-hoc basis

    Set annual targets/ goals, track progress over time (internal programs only)

    Set annual targets/ goals, track progress over time (internal and external programs)

    Other (Please provide additional information)

    Freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining

    Forced labour

    Child labour

    Non-discrimination in respect of employment and occupation

    Occupational safety and health

    Working conditions (wages, working hours)


    6. What is the percentage of employees covered under collective bargaining agreements?

    Percent of employees (%)


    Employees covered under collective bargaining (%)


    7. What is the percentage of employees in a trade union or other workers' organization?

    Percent of employees (%)


    Not applicable (Please provide additional information)

    Employees in a trade union or on a worker committee (%)


    8. In the course of the reporting period, what was the percentage of women in:

    Percent of women (%)


    Senior leadership level position


    Non-executive board


    9. What was the average ratio of the basic salary and remuneration of women to men (comparing jobs of equal value) during the reporting period?

    Salary ratio (%)


    Choose to not disclose

    Women / Men (%)

    Optional comment
    109% para trabajadores non-management 103% Para el nivel ejecutivo y para el management

    10. In the course of the reporting period, how frequently were workers injured (injuries per hour worked)?

    Frequency of injury


    Choose to not disclose

    Frequency of injury

    Optional comment
    En el reporte integrado se presenta información empleando una constante de 1 millón de horas trabajadas.

    11. In the course of the reporting period, what was the company’s incident rate?

    Incident rate


    Choose to not disclose

    Incident rate

    Optional comment
    En el reporte integrado se presenta información empleando una constante de 1 millón de horas trabajadas.

    Response and Reporting

    12. In the course of the reporting period, has the company been involved in providing or enabling remedy where it has caused or contributed to the adverse impact associated with the following labour rights issues?



    Choose to not disclose

    Not applicable (Please provide additional information)

    Freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining

    Aunque cuenta con los mecanismos de remediación diseñados y previstos, no se ha causado ni se ha contribuido al impacto adverso asociado a los asuntos mencionados

    Forced labour

    Aunque cuenta con los mecanismos de remediación diseñados y previstos, no se ha causado ni se ha contribuido al impacto adverso asociado a los asuntos mencionados.

    Child labour

    Aunque cuenta con los mecanismos de remediación diseñados y previstos, no se ha causado ni se ha contribuido al impacto adverso asociado a los asuntos mencionados.

    Non-discrimination in respect of employment and occupation

    Aunque cuenta con los mecanismos de remediación diseñados y previstos, no se ha causado ni se ha contribuido al impacto adverso asociado a los asuntos mencionados

    Occupational safety and health

    Aunque cuenta con los mecanismos de remediación diseñados y previstos, no se ha causado ni se ha contribuido al impacto adverso asociado a los asuntos mencionados

    Working conditions (wages, working hours)

    13. Briefly describe practical actions the company has taken during the reporting period and/or plans to take to implement the labour rights principles, including any challenges faced and actions taken towards prevention and/or remediation.

    Capacitación para desarrollo de capacidades en debida diligencia, identificación, prevención y mitigación de riesgos de irrespeto a los derechos laborales. Monitoreo de cifras, investigación de incidentes y accidentes
  • Environment


    1. Does the company have a formal policy on the following environmental topics?

    No, and we have no plans to develop a policy

    No, but we plan to in the next two years

    Yes, included within a broader policy

    Yes, articulated as a stand-alone policy

    Not applicable (Please provide additional information)

    Climate Action






    Forests / Biodiversity / Land Use


    Air Pollution


    Waste (e.g., chemical spills, solid waste, hazardous, plastic, etc.)


    Energy & Resource Use

    Optional comment
    Por favor indique enlace, cargue documento o brinde información adicional: _Aunque algunos recursos no son asuntos materiales para los negocios de ISA y sus empresas, si se incluyen en la gestión ambiental y en las acciones de ecoeficiencia que se implementan para la reducción de emisiones. Oceanos no aplica directamente, sin embargo, en las zonas donde tenemos alguna incfluencia indirecta la politica ambiental cubre las diferentes acciones que se deben implementar por cada empresa. https://www.isa.co/en/environmental-corporate-policy/

    1.1. For each environmental policy, is it:

    Aligned with international environmental standards?

    Publicly available?

    Approved at most senior level of the company?

    Applied to the company’s own operations?

    Applied to the company’s supply chain and/or other business relationships?

    Developed involving environmental expertise from inside and outside the company?

    Other (Please provide additional information)

    Climate Action



    Forests / Biodiversity / Land Use

    Air Pollution

    Waste (e.g., chemical spills, solid waste, hazardous, plastic, etc.)

    Energy & Resource Use

    Optional comment
    ISA brinda la política ambiental para todas las empresas, las empresas acogen acciones para su implementaciones, entre esas s encuentra la gestión ambiental y sus procesos, a través de auditorías externas, ISO 140001 o auditorías internas se realiza seguimiento a la implementación de estas acciones. además ISA cuenta con el modelo de gestión ambiental social y predial en todo el ciclo de vida de los activos, que aterriza las acciones que deben tangibilizarse en todas las empresas. https://www.isa.co/en/environmental-corporate-policy/ Paginas: 96-98 ISA RI: https://www.isa.co/en/isa-group/integrated-management-report-2021/


    2. In the course of the reporting period, has the company engaged with affected stakeholders or their legitimate representatives in relation to the following environmental issues?

    No engagement on this topic

    To better understand the risks/ impacts in question

    To discuss potential ways to prevent or mitigate the risks/ impacts in question

    To agree on a way to prevent/ mitigate the risks/ impacts in question

    To assess progress in preventing/ mitigating the risks/ impacts in question

    To collaborate in the prevention/ mitigation of the risks/ impacts in question

    Other (Please provide additional information)

    Climate Action



    Forests / Biodiversity / Land Use

    Air Pollution

    Waste (e.g., chemical spills, solid waste, hazardous, plastic, etc.)

    Energy & Resource Use

    Optional comment
    Biodiversidad: (ver https://www.isa.co/en/biodiversity-management/ pag 4 - 19 y https://www.isa.co/es/valor-sostenible/gestion-ambiental/ Sección Alianzas) A través del modelo de reputación y materialidad de ISA se consultan e integran a los diferentes grupos de interés de ISA en todas las categorías. Pagina 73 RI ISA: https://www.isa.co/en/isa-group/integrated-management-report-2021/

    3. What type of action has the company taken in the reporting period with the aim of preventing/mitigating the risks/impacts associated with these environmental topics?

    Provided internal training/ capacity building for the direct workforce

    Building capacity among relevant business relationships (e.g., partners, suppliers, clients, etc.)

    Conducting an audit process and/or corrective action plan

    Collective Action with peers or other stakeholders to address the issue

    Collaboration with governmental or regulatory bodies

    Other (Please provide additional information)

    No action within reporting period

    Climate Action



    Forests / Biodiversity / Land Use

    Aplicar la estrategia integral de biodiversidad donde se aplican estrategias para reducir o evitar los impactos sobre la biodiversidad (ver https://www.isa.co/en/biodiversity-management/ pag 5 -15)

    Air Pollution

    Waste (e.g., chemical spills, solid waste, hazardous, plastic, etc.)

    Energy & Resource Use

    Optional comment
    Dada la naturaleza del negocio, el agua y el aire no tienen una afectación significativa, sin embargo se abarcan estos temas desde los procesos de educación ambiental y metas de ecoeficiencia Biodiversidad: Aplicar la estrategia integral de biodiversidad donde se aplican estrategias para reducir o evitar los impactos sobre la biodiversidad (ver https://www.isa.co/en/biodiversity-management/ pag 5 -15) Estrategia climática: https://www.isa.co/en/climate-change-strategy/ Indicadores de desempeño ambiental: https://www.isa.co/en/environmental-performance-indicators/ Escuela de valor sostenible ITCO: https://escuelavalorsostenible.com/

    4. How does the company assess progress in preventing/mitigating the risks/impacts associated with the following environmental topics?

    No monitoring of progress

    Review issues on ad-hoc basis

    Set annual targets/ goals, track progress over time (internal programs only)

    Set annual targets/ goals, track progress over time (internal and external programs)

    Other (Please provide additional information)

    Climate Action



    Forests / Biodiversity / Land Use

    Air Pollution

    Waste (e.g., chemical spills, solid waste, hazardous, plastic, etc.)

    Energy & Resource Use

    Optional comment
    Biodiversidad: (ver https://www.isa.co/en/biodiversity-management/ pag 14-19 y 28) Para el agua, los océanos, y contaminación del aire, el análisis es como esos elementos afectan el negocio, en los otros se dan en ambas direcciones (Como me afectan y como los afecto). En cuanto calidad del aire si tenemos programas de movidliad sotenible en la mepresa "En L a Movida" y participamos de programas con el area metropolitana de Medellín Biodiversidad: (ver https://www.isa.co/en/biodiversity-management/ pag 14-19 y 28) Estrategia climática: https://www.isa.co/en/climate-change-strategy/ Indicadores de desempeño ambiental: https://www.isa.co/en/environmental-performance-indicators/

    4.1. For each environmental topic in which the company sets timebound goals / targets, what kind of targets has the company set?

    Description of targets (e.g., what is the target, absolute vs. intensity, externally verified, on track, etc.)

    Climate Action

    Por medio de nuestra estrategia, buscamos la reducción de 11 millones de toneladas de CO2e para el planeta antes de 2030, esto lo estamos logrando a través de tres grandes líneas: • 9 millones de toneladas de CO2e por nuestro Programa Conexión Jaguar • 2 millones de toneladas de CO2e: Como aporte a la descarbonización de las matrices energéticas, a través de nuestros nuevos negocios de energía. • 102.500 tCO2e por acciones voluntarias de ecoeficiencia y economía circular para reducir nuestros propios impactos, esa reducción se ve reflejada en la disminución de nuestros consumos de agua, de energía, de la generación y disposición de residuos, detección y gestión de las fugas de SF6 y a nuestros programas de movilidad sostenible y teletrabajo. (Ver ISA 2021 RI, paginas: 102 - 109, y estrategia climatica, capítulo metrics and objetives: https://www.isa.co/en/climate-change-strategy/

    Energy & Resource Use

    Por medio de nuestra estrategia, buscamos la reducción de 11 millones de toneladas de CO2e para el planeta antes de 2030, esto lo estamos logrando a través de tres grandes líneas: • 9 millones de toneladas de CO2e por nuestro Programa Conexión Jaguar • 2 millones de toneladas de CO2e: Como aporte a la descarbonización de las matrices energéticas, a través de nuestros nuevos negocios de energía. • 102.500 tCO2e por acciones voluntarias de ecoeficiencia y economía circular para reducir nuestros propios impactos, esa reducción se ve reflejada en la disminución de nuestros consumos de agua, de energía, de la generación y disposición de residuos, detección y gestión de las fugas de SF6 y a nuestros programas de movilidad sostenible y teletrabajo. (Ver ISA 2021 RI, paginas: 102 - 109, y estrategia climatica, capítulo metrics and objetives: https://www.isa.co/en/climate-change-strategy/


    Forests / Biodiversity / Land Use

    ISA y sus empresas cuentan con el compromiso de reducir la deforestación o la cobertura de área despejada por la construcción de los proyectos. La meta es reducir la deforestación en un 10% por proyecto. Así cómo cuenta con metas de compensación y no pérdida neta cero. En Conexión Jaguar cuenta con metas asociadas a la contribución de áreas de conservación (ver https://www.isa.co/en/biodiversity-management/ pag 14-19 y 28)

    Air Pollution

    Por medio de nuestra estrategia, buscamos la reducción de 11 millones de toneladas de CO2e para el planeta antes de 2030, esto lo estamos logrando a través de tres grandes líneas: • 9 millones de toneladas de CO2e por nuestro Programa Conexión Jaguar • 2 millones de toneladas de CO2e: Como aporte a la descarbonización de las matrices energéticas, a través de nuestros nuevos negocios de energía. • 102.500 tCO2e por acciones voluntarias de ecoeficiencia y economía circular para reducir nuestros propios impactos, esa reducción se ve reflejada en la disminución de nuestros consumos de agua, de energía, de la generación y disposición de residuos, detección y gestión de las fugas de SF6 y a nuestros programas de movilidad sostenible y teletrabajo. (Ver ISA 2021 RI, paginas: 102 - 109, y estrategia climatica, capítulo metrics and objetives: https://www.isa.co/en/climate-change-strategy/

    Waste (e.g., chemical spills, solid waste, hazardous, plastic, etc.)

    Por medio de nuestra estrategia, buscamos la reducción de 11 millones de toneladas de CO2e para el planeta antes de 2030, esto lo estamos logrando a través de tres grandes líneas: • 9 millones de toneladas de CO2e por nuestro Programa Conexión Jaguar • 2 millones de toneladas de CO2e: Como aporte a la descarbonización de las matrices energéticas, a través de nuestros nuevos negocios de energía. • 102.500 tCO2e por acciones voluntarias de ecoeficiencia y economía circular para reducir nuestros propios impactos, esa reducción se ve reflejada en la disminución de nuestros consumos de agua, de energía, de la generación y disposición de residuos, detección y gestión de las fugas de SF6 y a nuestros programas de movilidad sostenible y teletrabajo. (Ver ISA 2021 RI, paginas: 102 - 109, y estrategia climatica, capítulo metrics and objetives: https://www.isa.co/en/climate-change-strategy/


    4.2. For each environmental topic in which the company sets timebound goals / targets, how is progress against target / goal tracked?

    Progress is reviewed against goals annually or more frequently

    Progress is reported internally to the most senior level

    Progress is reported externally

    Other (Please provide additional information)

    Climate Action

    Energy & Resource Use


    Forests / Biodiversity / Land Use

    Air Pollution

    Waste (e.g., chemical spills, solid waste, hazardous, plastic, etc.)


    Optional comment
    ISA y sus empresas cuentan con un mecanismo de seguimiento y monitoreo, así como de divulgación de los avances con los grupos de interés internos y externos (ver https://www.isa.co/en/biodiversity-management/ pag 4- 5) Oceanos no aplica, ya que los negocios de ISA no cuentan con intervenciones en el oceano y no es un asunto material Las metas de ISA tienen un componente de ecoeficniecia que incluye: agua, residuos, energía, SF6 y movilidad sostenible (incluye teletrabajo y por ende las acciones de mejoramiento de calidad de airea por reemplazo de combustibles o cambios en la modalidad del transporte), todas estas reducciones se traducen a reducción de emisiones. Las metas se establecieron al año 20230, sin embargo, se revisan y establecen anualmente de acuerdo al desempeño ambiental de cada empresa, el monitoreo se realiza trimestralmente desde el año 2022, adicionalmente se cuenta con revisión de metas acumuladas para verificar el cumplimiento de estrategia ISA2030. Las metas hacen parte del sistema de compensación variable de los empleados y CEO de ISA y las empresas. ISA RI, páginas: 102-109, 55-60 https://www.isa.co/en/isa-group/integrated-management-report-2021/

    5. In the course of the reporting period, has the company been involved in providing or enabling remedy for any actual impacts associated with the following environmental issue(s)?



    Choose to not disclose

    Not applicable (Please provide additional information)

    Climate Action



    Forests / Biodiversity / Land Use

    Air Pollution

    Waste (e.g., chemical spills, solid waste, hazardous, plastic, etc.)

    Energy & Resource Use

    Optional comment
    Biodiversidad (ver https://www.isa.co/es/valor-sostenible/gestion-ambiental/ y https://www.isa.co/en/biodiversity-management/) A través de la gestión ambiental que realiza ISA y sus empresas, se identifican, monitorean, gestionan, los aspectos ambientales de los negocios Paginas 73, 87-106 RI ISA: https://www.isa.co/en/isa-group/integrated-management-report-2021/

    Climate Action

    6. What were the company’s gross global greenhouse gas emissions for the reporting period?

    Scope 1 Emissions

    Emissions (tCO2e)

    Scope 2 Emissions

    Emissions (tCO2e)

    Scope 3 Emissions

    Emissions (tCO2e)

    Optional comment
    Emissions Scope 3 (tCO2e): 14627 Se reportan las emisiones del negocio de transmisión de energía, incluye todas las empresas: INTERCOLOMBIA, TRANSELCA, CTEEP, ISA, REP, ISA BOLIVIA, TRANSELCA, INTERCHILE Indicadores de desempeño ambiental: https://www.isa.co/en/environmental-performance-indicators/

    6.1. Which Scope 3 categories are included in the organization’s scope 3 emissions calculation?

    Optional comment
    Las categorías de adquisición de bienes y servicios y bienes de capital se reportan para INTERCOLOMBIA e ISA, para las demás filiales se reportan las demás categorías y en bienes y servicios se incluyen consumos de agua y papel, en los siguientes años se seguirá ampliando esta categoría, así como los bienes de capital. El inventario reportado corresponde a la fase de mantenimiento y operación del ciclo de vida de los activos e ISA. Indicadores de desempeño ambiental: https://www.isa.co/en/environmental-performance-indicators/

    7. What percentage of the company's revenue was invested in R&D of low-carbon products/services during this reporting period?

    Percent of revenue (%)


    8. Has the organization acted to support climate change adaptation and resilience?

    Optional comment
    Estrategia climática: https://www.isa.co/en/climate-change-strategy/

    Energy / Resource Use

    9. Please report the company's renewable energy consumption as a percentage of total energy consumption in the reporting period.

    % of total energy consumption

    Optional comment
    Indicadores de desempeño ambiental: https://www.isa.co/en/environmental-performance-indicators/


    10. What percent of the company's revenue came from environmentally friendly products / services during this reporting period?

    Percent of total revenue (%)

    Ingresos por EcoRegistry, EcoGox y EcoTrade, emprendimientos de XM que hacen parte de las oportunidades del cambio climático, negocios por USD 141 Millones en almacenamiento y nuevas tecnologías + negocios B2B. Ingresos de Appimotion  (Aplicación de movilidad sostenible de SIER)

    Sector-specific Questions

    11. Which sector(s) does the company operate in? If diversified, choose top 3 by revenue.

    Optional comment
    No sabemos en qué categoría clasificaría nuestro negocio de vías, que en ingresos es el segundo negocio

    Sector-specific: Water

    12. Please provide details regarding the company's water withdrawal and consumption (own operations) during the reporting period.

    Water withdrawal (volume of water in megaliters):



    Not applicable (Please provide additional information)





    Surface water:






    Percentage of water withdrawn in regions with high or extremely high water stress (%)

    The company does not make extensive use of water in operations, only for domestic consumption

    Water consumption (volume of water in megaliters):



    Not applicable (Please provide additional information)





    Surface water:




    Percentage of water consumed in regions with high or extremely high water stress (%)

    The company does not make extensive use of water in operations, only for domestic consumption,
    Optional comment
    El agua no es un asunto material para los negocios de ISA, en la clasificación no se incluyó l consumo de agua municipal, el cual es de 0.080ML Indicadores de desempeño ambiental: https://www.isa.co/en/environmental-performance-indicators/

    13. Please provide details about the company’s water intensity of products in regions with high or extremely high water stress.

    Water intensity of products (cubic meter/$):

    The company does not make extensive use of water in operations, only for domestic consumptionIndicadores de desempeño ambiental: https://www.isa.co/en/environmental-performance-indicators/

    Sector-specific: Forest, biodiversity, and land use

    14. Please report the number and area (in hectares) of sites owned, leased, or managed by the company in or adjacent to protected areas and/or key biodiversity areas (KBA).



    Not applicable (Please provide additional information)




    Optional comment
    Algunas hectáreas y sitios furon declarados áreas protegidas luego de la construcción del proyecto (Ver https://www.isa.co/en/biodiversity-management/ pag 19)

    15. What area (in hectares) of natural ecosystems was converted during the reporting period in areas owned, leased, or managed by the company?

    Conversion of natural resources (hectares)

    Optional comment
    En el año 2021, la mayor proporción de las áreas intervenidas corresponde a arbustales y matorrales (48%); seguido por los pastos limpios (24.3%) y mosaicos (12.2%) correspondientes a mosaicos de cultivos, pastos y espacios naturales. El 16% restante corresponde a otras coberturas como pastos enmalezados, cultivos, plantaciones, entre otras (ver https://www.isa.co/es/grupo-isa/reporte-integrado-de-gestion-isa-2021/ pag 479).

    16. Is the company supporting or implementing project(s) focused on ecosystem restoration and protection?


    No, but we plan to in the next 2 years


    Forest ecosystem restoration


    Other ecosystem restoration




    Natural regeneration




    Set-aside land


    Biodiversity offsetting


    Other (please specify in text box)

    Optional comment
    (ver https://www.isa.co/es/grupo-isa/reporte-integrado-de-gestion-isa-2021/ pag 479).

    Sector-specific: Air pollution

    17. Where applicable, please report the company's emissions of the following pollutants during the reporting period.

    Emissions (tCO2e)


    Not applicable (Please provide additional information)


    ISA has 4 business units including Electric Energy Transmission, Road Concessions, Information and Telecommunication Technologies, Management of Real-Time Systems. Among these, the main business of ISA is the Electric Energy Transmission and does not include the Energy Generation and Energy Distribution business. (See ISA IR 2021 pages 19 and 20, https://www.isa.co/en/our-esg-report/) Most of the subsidiaries do not have their own or managed fleet and therefore there is no generation of NOx emissions. (See ISA environmental performance indicators, https://www.isa.co/en/our-esg-report/). Transportation for both maintenance activities and business trips and the movement of its employees is mostly done through contractors and public transport. Additionally, in our processes, we do not carry out combustions that generate NOx during the operation and maintenance of the Energy Transmission business. The main materials and equipment operated to provide this service are current transformers, voltage transformers, power transformers, reactors, circuit breakers, disconnectors, tower profiles, insulators, power cables, dielectric oil and electronic equipment, among others, none of which requires a combustion process in the production cycle that generates NOx. These materials are not transformed at any time in the production cycle of ISA’s subsidiaries, which consists mainly of assemblies of different metal parts without the need to burn any fuel or the use of a material that can generate emissions. (See ISA IR 2021 pages 19 and 20,87-110 https://www.isa.co/en/our-esg-report/)


    ISA has 4 business units including Electric Energy Transmission, Road Concessions, Information and Telecommunication Technologies, Management of Real-Time Systems. Among these, the main business of ISA is the Electric Energy Transmission and does not include the Energy Generation and Energy Distribution business. (See ISA IR 2021 pages 19 and 20, https://www.isa.co/en/our-esg-report/) Most of the subsidiaries do not have their own or managed fleet and therefore there is no generation of SOx emissions. (See ISA environmental performance indicators, https://www.isa.co/en/our-esg-report/). Transportation for both maintenance activities and business trips and the movement of its employees is mostly done through contractors and public transport. Additionally, in our processes, we do not carry out combustions that generate SOx during the operation and maintenance of the Energy Transmission business. The main materials and equipment operated to provide this service are current transformers, voltage transformers, power transformers, reactors, circuit breakers, disconnectors, tower profiles, insulators, power cables, dielectric oil and electronic equipment, among others, none of which requires a combustion process in the production cycle that generates SOx. These materials are not transformed at any time in the production cycle of ISA’s subsidiaries, which consists mainly of assemblies of different metal parts without the need to burn any fuel or the use of a material that can generate emissions. (See ISA IR 2021 pages 19 and 20,87-110 https://www.isa.co/en/our-esg-report/)

    Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC)

    ISA has 4 business units including Electric Energy Transmission, Road Concessions, Information and Telecommunication Technologies, Management of Real-Time Systems. Among these, the main business of ISA is the Electric Energy Transmission and does not include the Energy Generation and Energy Distribution business. (See ISA IR 2021 pages 19 and 20, https://www.isa.co/en/our-esg-report/) Most of the subsidiaries do not have their own or managed fleet and therefore there is no generation of VOC emissions. (See ISA environmental performance indicators, https://www.isa.co/en/our-esg-report/). Transportation for both maintenance activities and business trips and the movement of its employees is mostly done through contractors and public transport. Additionally, in our processes, we do not carry out combustions that generate VOC during the operation and maintenance of the Energy Transmission business. The main materials and equipment operated to provide this service are current transformers, voltage transformers, power transformers, reactors, circuit breakers, disconnectors, tower profiles, insulators, power cables, dielectric oil and electronic equipment, among others, none of which requires a combustion process in the production cycle that generates VOC. These materials are not transformed at any time in the production cycle of ISA’s subsidiaries, which consists mainly of assemblies of different metal parts without the need to burn any fuel or the use of a material that can generate emissions. (See ISA IR 2021 pages 19 and 20,87-110 https://www.isa.co/en/our-esg-report/)

    Hazardous air pollutants (HAP)

    ISA has 4 business units including Electric Energy Transmission, Road Concessions, Information and Telecommunication Technologies, Management of Real-Time Systems. Among these, the main business of ISA is the Electric Energy Transmission and does not include the Energy Generation and Energy Distribution business. (See ISA IR 2021 pages 19 and 20, https://www.isa.co/en/our-esg-report/) Most of the subsidiaries do not have their own or managed fleet and therefore there is no generation of HAP emissions. (See ISA environmental performance indicators, https://www.isa.co/en/our-esg-report/). Transportation for both maintenance activities and business trips and the movement of its employees is mostly done through contractors and public transport. Additionally, in our processes, we do not carry out combustions that generate HAP during the operation and maintenance of the Energy Transmission business. The main materials and equipment operated to provide this service are current transformers, voltage transformers, power transformers, reactors, circuit breakers, disconnectors, tower profiles, insulators, power cables, dielectric oil and electronic equipment, among others, none of which requires a combustion process in the production cycle that generates HAP. These materials are not transformed at any time in the production cycle of ISA’s subsidiaries, which consists mainly of assemblies of different metal parts without the need to burn any fuel or the use of a material that can generate emissions. (See ISA IR 2021 pages 19 and 20,87-110 https://www.isa.co/en/our-esg-report/)

    Particulate matter (PM10)

    ISA has 4 business units including Electric Energy Transmission, Road Concessions, Information and Telecommunication Technologies, Management of Real-Time Systems. Among these, the main business of ISA is the Electric Energy Transmission and does not include the Energy Generation and Energy Distribution business. (See ISA IR 2021 pages 19 and 20, https://www.isa.co/en/our-esg-report/) Most of the subsidiaries do not have their own or managed fleet and therefore there is no generation of PM10 emissions. (See ISA environmental performance indicators, https://www.isa.co/en/our-esg-report/). Transportation for both maintenance activities and business trips and the movement of its employees is mostly done through contractors and public transport. Additionally, in our processes, we do not carry out combustions that generate PM10 during the operation and maintenance of the Energy Transmission business. The main materials and equipment operated to provide this service are current transformers, voltage transformers, power transformers, reactors, circuit breakers, disconnectors, tower profiles, insulators, power cables, dielectric oil and electronic equipment, among others, none of which requires a combustion process in the production cycle that generates PM10. These materials are not transformed at any time in the production cycle of ISA’s subsidiaries, which consists mainly of assemblies of different metal parts without the need to burn any fuel or the use of a material that can generate emissions. (See ISA IR 2021 pages 19 and 20,87-110 https://www.isa.co/en/our-esg-report/)

    Persistent organic pollutants (POP)

    ISA has 4 business units including Electric Energy Transmission, Road Concessions, Information and Telecommunication Technologies, Management of Real-Time Systems. Among these, the main business of ISA is the Electric Energy Transmission and does not include the Energy Generation and Energy Distribution business. (See ISA IR 2021 pages 19 and 20, https://www.isa.co/en/our-esg-report/) Most of the subsidiaries do not have their own or managed fleet and therefore there is no generation of POP emissions. (See ISA environmental performance indicators, https://www.isa.co/en/our-esg-report/). Transportation for both maintenance activities and business trips and the movement of its employees is mostly done through contractors and public transport. Additionally, in our processes, we do not carry out combustions that generate POP during the operation and maintenance of the Energy Transmission business. The main materials and equipment operated to provide this service are current transformers, voltage transformers, power transformers, reactors, circuit breakers, disconnectors, tower profiles, insulators, power cables, dielectric oil and electronic equipment, among others, none of which requires a combustion process in the production cycle that generates POP. These materials are not transformed at any time in the production cycle of ISA’s subsidiaries, which consists mainly of assemblies of different metal parts without the need to burn any fuel or the use of a material that can generate emissions. (See ISA IR 2021 pages 19 and 20,87-110 https://www.isa.co/en/our-esg-report/)

    Other (please specify in text box)

    Sector-specific: Waste

    18. Please report the company's total weight of waste generated in metric tonnes during the reporting period.

    Waste Generated (t)

    Optional comment
    Se incluyen los residuos de todas las empresas de transmisión de energía INTERCOLOMBIA, TRANSELCA, ISA, ISA BOLIVIA, CTEEP, REP INTERCHILE

    19. Please report the percentage of the company's waste that was hazardous waste (i.e., hazardous waste ratio) during the reporting period.

    Hazardous Waste Ratio (%)


    20. Please report the company's estimated metric tonnes of single-use plastic consumed wherever material along the value chain during the reporting period.

    Single-use plastics (tonnes)

    ISA has 4 business units including Electric Energy Transmission, Road Concessions, Information and Telecommunication Technologies, Management of Real-Time Systems. Among these, the main business of ISA is the Electric Energy Transmission and does not include the Energy Generation and Energy Distribution business. (See ISA IR 2021 pages 19 and 20, https://www.isa.co/en/our-esg-report/) Additionally, in our processes, we do not use single-use plastic during the operation and maintenance of the Energy Transmission business. The main materials and equipment operated to provide this service are current transformers, voltage transformers, power transformers, reactors, circuit breakers, disconnectors, tower profiles, insulators, power cables, dielectric oil and electronic equipment, among others. These materials are not transformed at any time in the production cycle of ISA’s subsidiaries, which consists mainly of assemblies of different metal parts. (See ISA IR 2021 pages 19 and 20,87-110 https://www.isa.co/en/our-esg-report/)

    Overall Environment

    21. Briefly describe practical actions the company has taken during the reporting period and/or plans to take to implement the environment principles, including any challenges faced and actions taken towards prevention and/or remediation.

    ISA y sus empresas implementan acciones para contribuir a los desafios ambientales globales, en todo el ciclo de vida de sus activos para el cumplimiento normativo y de forma voluntaria, las acciones se enfocan en protección a la biodiversidad, acciones de ecoeficiencia (reducción de consumos de agua, energía, residuos, fugas de SF6, movilidad sostenible) y cambio climático. Para esto tenemos trazadas metas y estrategias que nos permitirán lograr estas contribuciones Biodiversidad: (ver https://www.isa.co/en/biodiversity-management/ pag 14-19 y 28) Estrategia climática: https://www.isa.co/en/climate-change-strategy/ Indicadores de desempeño ambiental: https://www.isa.co/en/environmental-performance-indicators/ RI ISA paginas 87-106: https://www.isa.co/en/isa-group/integrated-management-report-2021/
  • Anti-corruption


    1. Does the company have an anti-corruption compliance programme?


    2. Does your company have policies and recommendations for employees on how to act in case of doubt and/or in situations that may represent a conflict of interest, e.g. with regard to gifts and hospitality, donations, sponsorship, or interactions with public officials?

    Optional comment


    3. Who receives training on anti-corruption and integrity?

    3.1. How often is such training provided?

    One time only

    Every year

    Every two or more years

    We do not collect this data

    All employees

    Select employees


    Direct suppliers of the organization

    Other – such as partners, clients, etc.

    Indirect suppliers of the organization

    Optional comment
    La información para el desarrollo de capacidades está disponible de manera permanente. Se tiene un código particular más detallado para proveedores y se hacen capacitaciones y socializaciones todos los años para los empleados. Además, en las cláusulas contractuales con proveedores y contratistas se genera la obligación de conocer y dar cumplimiento a todos los parámetros de ética y conducta.

    4. Does the company monitor its anti-corruption compliance programme?

    Response and Reporting

    5. Please report the company's total number and nature of incidents of corruption during the reporting year.

    Number of incident(s)


    Choose to not disclose

    Confirmed during the current year, but related to previous years

    Página 52 y 522 del reporte integrado: casos de corrupción y medidas adoptadas

    Confirmed during the current year, and related to this year

    Página 52 y 522 del reporte integrado: casos de corrupción y medidas adoptadas

    6. Within the reporting period, what measures has the company taken to address suspected incidents of corruption independently or in response to a dispute or investigation by a government regulator?

    Los mecanismos se adoptan según necesidad, escalando los diferentes niveles teniendo en cuenta la criticidad de la situación. La medida final, por la que se marca la opción "Otro" son las denuncias y puesta en marcha de procesos legales.

    7. Does your company engage in Collective Action against corruption?

    Reporte integrado, página 49 "Cultura"

    8. Briefly describe practical actions the company has taken during the reporting period and/or plans to take to implement the anti-corruption principle, including any challenges faced and actions taken towards prevention and/or remediation.

    Capacitación y permanente socialización de principios éticos y mecanismos para acceder a orientación, reporte y tratamiento de dilemas éticos y situaciones anticorrupción. Implementación y vigilancia de cláusulas anticorrupción en contratos con empleados y contratistas Monitoreo de riesgos y situaciones Reporte transparente de información