Scope 1 Emissions
2022 Communication on Progress
Procesadora Nacional de Alimentos C.A. (PRONACA)
Published date
June 30, 2022
No. of questions
Supplemental files
CEO Statement
Policies and Responsibilities
1. Does the Board / highest governance body or most senior executive of the company:
Optional commentTodas las declaraciones se encuentran en la Memoria de Sostenibilidad que se lanza cada año2. Does the company have a publicly stated commitment regarding the following sustainability topics?
3. Does the company have in place a code of conduct regarding each of the following sustainability topics?
4. Has the company appointed an individual or group responsible for each of the following sustainability topics?
5. Does the company have a formal structure(s) (such as a cross-functional committee) to address each of the following sustainability topics?
6. Does the company have a process or processes to assess risk?
6.1. During the assessment of risk, which business relationships are reviewed?
7. Does the company have a due diligence process through which it identifies, prevents, mitigates, and accounts for actual and potential negative impacts on sustainability topics?
7.1. During the due diligence process, which business relationships are reviewed?
Concerns and grievance mechanisms
8. Are there any processes through which members of the company’s workforce can raise concerns about the company’s conduct related to human rights, labour rights, environment, or anti-corruption?
8.1. Please provide additional detail regarding the process(es) the company has through which members of the company’s workforce can raise concerns about the company’s conduct.
9. Does the company provide or enable access to effective remedy to right holders / stakeholders where it has caused or contributed to the adverse impact?
10. How does the company capture lessons regarding each of the following sustainability topics?
Executive Pay
11. Is executive pay linked to performance on one or more of the following sustainability topics?
Board Composition
12. Percentage of individuals within the company’s Board / highest governance body by:
13. Do you produce sustainability reporting according to:
Data Assurance
14. Is the information disclosed in this questionnaire assured by a third-party?
Human Rights
Materiality / Saliency
1. Which of the following has the company identified as material human rights issues connected with its operations and/or value chain, whether based on their salience (i.e., the most severe potential negative impacts on people) or another basis?
8. Briefly describe practical actions the company has taken during the reporting period and/or plans to take to implement the human rights principles, including any challenges faced and actions taken towards prevention and/or remediation.
PRONACA mira al futuro con optimismo y pensando en el largo plazo. Esa es la primera y más importante declaración sobre la sostenibilidad en nuestra compañía. Nos enfocamos en preservar nuestro entorno y sentar bases para que las próximas generaciones puedan continuar alimentándose bien con productos asequibles y de calidad. Otro elemento que define la práctica de la sostenibilidad en PRONACA, es aceptar que sin dejar de perseguir réditos económicos, es fundamental cuidar y resguardar el ambiente, incluyendo las especies animales con las que trabajamos y, tercero, mantener buenas relaciones con las comunidades vecinas en base a una escucha atenta y al desarrollo integral de las mismas. Esas son las columnas que sostienen nuestro propósito: “Alimentar Bien”. Esto abarca nuestro aporte al desarrollo social de las comunidades cercanas a nuestros centros de operación, nuestro trabajo en equipo con los Bancos de Alimentos a través de ayuda alimentaria y la alianza con la Red por la Nutrición infantil (REDNI) que da cuidados a mujeres en estado de gestación y sus niños de hasta dos años. Cabe añadir que lo anterior cobra sentido práctico cuando lo hacemos pensando en nuestros consumidores. Es allí donde nuestras prácticas de innovación resultan críticas para la supervivencia, pues el entendimiento de los mercados y sus tendencias nos permite descubrir oportunidades para servirlos siempre cuidando la accesibilidad y la calidad de nuestros productos, que son elementos diferenciadores al momento de la decisión de compra. Por ejemplo, consideramos esencial tomar en cuenta los alarmantes índices de malnutrición que aquejan a nuestra sociedad, donde destacan el sobrepeso, la obesidad y la desnutrición infantil. Por ello trabajamos arduamente para que nuestra empresa y nuestras marcas se enfoquen en aportar soluciones a estos problemas con acciones y portafolios innovadores.Labour
1. Does the company have a policy commitment in relation to the following labour rights principles?
1.1. For each labour rights policy, is it:
2. In the course of the reporting period, has the company engaged with affected stakeholders or their legitimate representatives in relation to the following labour rights issues?
3. What type of action has the company taken in the reporting period with the aim of preventing/mitigating the risks/impacts associated with this labour rights issue?
4. Who receives training for the following labour rights issues?
5. How does the company assess progress in preventing/mitigating the risks/impacts associated with the following labour rights issues?
6. What is the percentage of employees covered under collective bargaining agreements?
7. What is the percentage of employees in a trade union or other workers' organization?
8. In the course of the reporting period, what was the percentage of women in:
9. What was the average ratio of the basic salary and remuneration of women to men (comparing jobs of equal value) during the reporting period?
Optional comment1,09/0,97 La información completa se encuentra en la memoria de sostenibilidad10. In the course of the reporting period, how frequently were workers injured (injuries per hour worked)?
Optional commentSon los días. La información completa se encuentra en la memoria de sostenibilidad11. In the course of the reporting period, what was the company’s incident rate?
Response and Reporting
12. In the course of the reporting period, has the company been involved in providing or enabling remedy where it has caused or contributed to the adverse impact associated with the following labour rights issues?
13. Briefly describe practical actions the company has taken during the reporting period and/or plans to take to implement the labour rights principles, including any challenges faced and actions taken towards prevention and/or remediation.
Pronaca se configura como un gran empleador para el Ecuador. Con orgullo, podemos ratificar que sostuvimos nuestro impacto local al man- tener un total de 7.594 colaboradores al 31 de diciembre del 2021. Tanto la estabilidad que promueve nuestra empresa, como el trabajo en equipo que impulsamos como parte de nuestra cultura, apoyaron a la consecución de los logros de las empresas del grupo Pro- naca. En los siguientes cuadros, podemos apreciar el alcance de cada una de nuestras empresas en términos de generación de empleo de calidad en nuestro país, mediante una segmentación de nuestras operaciones administrativas, productivas e industriales, así como un desglose geográfico de la Costa, Sierra y de la zona de Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas. El resto de actividades se encuentran en la memoria de sostenibilidad.Environment
1. Does the company have a formal policy on the following environmental topics?
1.1. For each environmental policy, is it:
2. In the course of the reporting period, has the company engaged with affected stakeholders or their legitimate representatives in relation to the following environmental issues?
3. What type of action has the company taken in the reporting period with the aim of preventing/mitigating the risks/impacts associated with these environmental topics?
4. How does the company assess progress in preventing/mitigating the risks/impacts associated with the following environmental topics?
4.1. For each environmental topic in which the company sets timebound goals / targets, what kind of targets has the company set?
Optional commentToda la información está apliamente detallada en la memoria de sostenibilidad.4.2. For each environmental topic in which the company sets timebound goals / targets, how is progress against target / goal tracked?
5. In the course of the reporting period, has the company been involved in providing or enabling remedy for any actual impacts associated with the following environmental issue(s)?
Climate Action
6. What were the company’s gross global greenhouse gas emissions for the reporting period?
Scope 2 Emissions
Scope 3 Emissions
Optional commentScope 3 Emissions - (6.803)7. What percentage of the company's revenue was invested in R&D of low-carbon products/services during this reporting period?
8. Has the organization acted to support climate change adaptation and resilience?
Energy / Resource Use
9. Please report the company's renewable energy consumption as a percentage of total energy consumption in the reporting period.
Optional commentEn cuanto a nuestro uso de electricidad proveniente de la red pública, en 2021 nuestro consumo se situó en 492.953 GJ.Technology
10. What percent of the company's revenue came from environmentally friendly products / services during this reporting period?
Sector-specific Questions
11. Which sector(s) does the company operate in? If diversified, choose top 3 by revenue.
Sector-specific: Water
12. Please provide details regarding the company's water withdrawal and consumption (own operations) during the reporting period.
Water withdrawal (volume of water in megaliters):
Water consumption (volume of water in megaliters):
Optional commentTodos los datos solicitados tenemos en % y en la memoria de sostenibilidad.13. Please provide details about the company’s water intensity of products in regions with high or extremely high water stress.
Sector-specific: Forest, biodiversity, and land use
14. Please report the number and area (in hectares) of sites owned, leased, or managed by the company in or adjacent to protected areas and/or key biodiversity areas (KBA).
15. What area (in hectares) of natural ecosystems was converted during the reporting period in areas owned, leased, or managed by the company?
16. Is the company supporting or implementing project(s) focused on ecosystem restoration and protection?
Overall Environment
21. Briefly describe practical actions the company has taken during the reporting period and/or plans to take to implement the environment principles, including any challenges faced and actions taken towards prevention and/or remediation.
Nuestra política integral recoge de manera inequívoca el compromiso de Pronaca con el cuidado del entorno. A través de una inversión continuada en infraestructura y del desarrollo de personal altamente capacitado, aseguramos de forma sistémica la administración ambiental de nuestros centros de operación y el seguimiento riguroso a los impactos ambientales asociados.Anti-corruption
1. Does the company have an anti-corruption compliance programme?
Optional commentActualmente se esta conformando un equipo de Compliance2. Does your company have policies and recommendations for employees on how to act in case of doubt and/or in situations that may represent a conflict of interest, e.g. with regard to gifts and hospitality, donations, sponsorship, or interactions with public officials?
3. Who receives training on anti-corruption and integrity?
3.1. How often is such training provided?
4. Does the company monitor its anti-corruption compliance programme?
Response and Reporting
5. Please report the company's total number and nature of incidents of corruption during the reporting year.
6. Within the reporting period, what measures has the company taken to address suspected incidents of corruption independently or in response to a dispute or investigation by a government regulator?
7. Does your company engage in Collective Action against corruption?
8. Briefly describe practical actions the company has taken during the reporting period and/or plans to take to implement the anti-corruption principle, including any challenges faced and actions taken towards prevention and/or remediation.
Dentro de nuestra política integral, existen puntos sobre anticorrupción que los colaboradores conocen antes de entrar a la organización.