2022 Communication on Progress

Pavimentos Colombia S.A.S.

Published date

June 30, 2022

No. of questions


Supplemental files

CEO Statement

  • Governance

    Policies and Responsibilities

    1. Does the Board / highest governance body or most senior executive of the company:

    Optional comment

    2. Does the company have a publicly stated commitment regarding the following sustainability topics?

    No, this is not a current priority

    No, but we plan to have a commitment within 2 years

    Yes, and the commitment is focused on our own operations

    Yes, and the commitment includes our own operations and the value chain

    Yes, and the commitment includes our own operations and the value chain along with communities and society

    Human Rights

    Labour Rights / Decent Work



    Optional comment
    En la Política HSEQ, se establecen los compromisos que tiene la organización con el Medio Ambiente dirigidos a la protección del medio ambiente y la prevención de la contaminación ambiental. Esta política se comunica al interior de la compañía y se extiendo hacia proveedores y subcontratistas como partes interesadas que contribuyen a dar cumplimiento a lo que allí se define. https://www.pavimentoscolombia.com/about-us

    3. Does the company have in place a code of conduct regarding each of the following sustainability topics?

    No, this is not a current priority

    No, but we plan to have a code of conduct within two years

    Yes, focused on employee conduct

    Yes, focused on employees and suppliers

    Yes, focused on employees, suppliers, and other business relationships

    Human Rights

    Labour Rights / Decent Work



    Optional comment
    La empresa, más que códigos de conducta, define políticas, procedimientos e instructivos que buscan dar cumplimiento a compromisos y/o requisitos en pro de la protección y cuidado del medio ambiente. Por otra parte, como instrumento de control, se cuenta con una matriz de sanciones que contiene los comportamientos en los cuales puede incurrir el colaborador, que representan una falta hacia el medio ambiente y por ende amerita una sanción. La Organización tiene establecido el Código de Ética, Documento en el cual se relacionan normas, reglamentos y valores que junto a las políticas empresariales, se convierten en lineamientos para el cumplimiento y compromiso que nuestros colaboradores deben adoptar al momento del desarrollo de sus funciones en la Organización. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1FcLg-dR7GS8EiGDbpYj3wAT7GUwTXG5Q

    4. Has the company appointed an individual or group responsible for each of the following sustainability topics?

    No one is specifically responsible for this topic

    Yes, with limited influence on outcomes (e.g., limited access to internal information, limited decision-making authority)

    Yes, with moderate influence on outcomes (e.g., has access to relevant information, reports to senior manager)

    Yes, with direct influence of some outcomes (e.g., has access to relevant information, includes one or more senior manager with decision making rights

    Yes, with direct influence at the highest levels of the organization (e.g., has access to relevant information, includes most senior members of organization)

    Human Rights

    Labour Rights / Decent Work



    Optional comment
    Pavimentos Colombia cuanta con la Dirección de Sostenibilidad Ambiental, que depende directamente de la Presidencia Ejecutiva y se encarga de dirigir la gestión ambiental, forestal, arqueológica y de fauna. De acuerdo a los lineamientos establecidos bajo la circular externa 100-000011 del 09 de Agosto del 2021, las empresas obligadas deben designar un oficial de cumplimiento, persona responsable de la verificación y cumplimiento del PTEE, frente a los riesgos de Corrupción y Soborno Transnacional. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1FcLg-dR7GS8EiGDbpYj3wAT7GUwTXG5Q

    5. Does the company have a formal structure(s) (such as a cross-functional committee) to address each of the following sustainability topics?

    No formal structure

    Yes, and with limited influence on outcomes (e.g., limited access to internal information necessary to understand risks, poor representation from relevant departments or functions)

    Yes, with moderate influence on outcomes (e.g., it includes representatives of some functions, departments, or business units most relevant for addressing the risks concerned, has access to relevant information, reports to senior manager)

    Yes, with direct influence on some outcomes (e.g., it includes representatives of functions, departments, or business units most relevant for addressing the risks concerned, has access to relevant information, it involves one or more members of senior management)

    Yes, and with direct influence at the highest level of the organization (e.g., full access to relevant information, it involves members at highest level of organization)

    Human Rights

    Labour Rights / Decent Work



    Optional comment
    En medio ambiente la compañía define espacios para abordar diferentes temas medioambientales como los comités jurídicos o técnicos. Así mismo, en la revisión por la dirección se evalúan los resultados de la gestión ambiental de la empresa. La Organización cuenta con el Comité de Ética, conformado por miembros de la alta dirección, dentro de sus funciones se encuentra la de asesorar y orientar en temas relacionados con casos de posible incumplimiento de la Ética, hechos de soborno, corrupción o, en general, fraude. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1FcLg-dR7GS8EiGDbpYj3wAT7GUwTXG5Q


    6. Does the company have a process or processes to assess risk?

    No, this is not a current priority

    No, but we are planning to develop one in the next two years

    Yes, related to our own operations

    Yes, related to our own operations and entire value chain and other business relationships

    Human rights risks

    Labour rights risks

    Environmental risks

    Corruption risks

    Optional comment
    Pavimentos Colombia S.A.S., cuenta con una metodología definida para identificar, analizar, y tratar los riesgos y oportunidades, para cada uno de los procesos que hacen parte del Sistema Integrado de Gestión. Del mismo modo, se realiza control y seguimiento a los proveedores y contratistas verificando que se cumpla con todos los permisos ambientales. La empresa evalúa los riesgos de corrupción y soborno transnacional a través de la MATRIZ DE RIESGOS C/ST, herramienta de gestión que permite determinar objetivamente los eventos más significativos mediante una evaluación que abarca el análisis del contexto interno y externo, los factores de riesgo a nivel país, sector económico, contrapartes y los procesos más sensibles de la Organización. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1FcLg-dR7GS8EiGDbpYj3wAT7GUwTXG5Q

    6.1. During the assessment of risk, which business relationships are reviewed?

    A few suppliers or business relationships [approximately less than 25 %]

    Several suppliers / business relationships (i.e., first tier or other high priority) [approx. 25 - 50 %]

    Most suppliers / relevant business relationships [approx. 51 - 99 %]

    All suppliers / relevant business relationships outside the supply chain

    Human rights risks

    Labour rights risks

    Environmental risks

    Corruption risks

    Optional comment
    La Organización adopta las medidas razonables con un enfoque basado en riesgo, de tal forma que pueda identificarse a las contrapartes que interactúan en los diferentes procesos, acogiendo las medidas mínimas requeridas por parte de la Superintendencia de Sociedades, para el conocimiento del beneficiario final. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1FcLg-dR7GS8EiGDbpYj3wAT7GUwTXG5Q

    7. Does the company have a due diligence process through which it identifies, prevents, mitigates, and accounts for actual and potential negative impacts on sustainability topics?

    No, this is not a current priority

    No, but we are planning to develop one in the next two years

    Yes, related to our own operations

    Yes, related to our own operations and entire value chain and other business relationships

    Human rights risks

    Labour rights risks

    Environmental risks

    Corruption risks

    Optional comment
    En cuanto a la cadena de valor se implementan acciones hacia nuestros proveedores y para el caso de otras relaciones comerciales nuestra gestión contribuye a la mitigación de los impactos. La Organización realiza la Debida Diligencia y Debida Diligencia Intensificada a las contrapartes, teniendo en cuenta el nivel de Riesgo. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1FcLg-dR7GS8EiGDbpYj3wAT7GUwTXG5Q

    7.1. During the due diligence process, which business relationships are reviewed?

    A few suppliers or business relationships [approximately less than 25 %]

    Several suppliers / business relationships (i.e., first tier or other high priority) [approx. 25 - 50 %]

    Most suppliers / relevant business relationships [approx. 51 - 99 %]

    All suppliers / relevant business relationships outside the supply chain

    Human rights risks

    Labour rights risks

    Environmental risks

    Corruption risks

    Optional comment
    En el proceso de selección y aprobación de proveedores se revisa la documentación que de cumplimiento a requisitos legales u otros requisitos que deba tener la empresa antes de establecer una relación comercial. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1FcLg-dR7GS8EiGDbpYj3wAT7GUwTXG5Q

    Concerns and grievance mechanisms

    8. Are there any processes through which members of the company’s workforce can raise concerns about the company’s conduct related to human rights, labour rights, environment, or anti-corruption?

    Optional comment
    La Organización ha dispuesto canales de denuncia y reporte, a través de la línea de Ética WEB, por medio de la cual los representantes de la Organización, empleados y grupos de interés, pueden de manera segura, confidencial y anónima, si así lo quiere la persona, poner en conocimiento de la Organización cualquier conducta indebida que configure o pueda configurar un acto de soborno transnacional o cualquier práctica corrupta por parte de los colaboradores y/o contratistas. El canal destinado para realizar los reportes es a través de la página Web de la Organización en la opción de contacto, “LINEA DE ÉTICA” https://www.pavimentoscolombia.com/contacto

    8.1. Please provide additional detail regarding the process(es) the company has through which members of the company’s workforce can raise concerns about the company’s conduct.



    Is the process communicated to all employees/workers in local languages?

    Is the process available to non-employees (e.g., contractors, vendors, suppliers)?

    Is the process confidential (e.g., whistleblowing process)?

    Are there processes in place to avoid retaliation?

    Can concerns be raised about suppliers or other business relationships (e.g., clients, partners, etc.)

    Other (Please provide additional information)

    La Organización garantiza la confidencialidad de la información recibida a través de la línea de ética, protegiendo la identidad del denunciante, denunciado y demás personas que hagan parte del caso, de igual manera la persona que realice la denuncia estará protegido contra cualquier tipo de represalia. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1FcLg-dR7GS8EiGDbpYj3wAT7GUwTXG5Q

    9. Does the company provide or enable access to effective remedy to right holders / stakeholders where it has caused or contributed to the adverse impact?

    No process to enable remedy to stakeholders

    Remedy available to some stakeholders (i.e., some geographies, employees only)

    Remedy is available to all affected stakeholders

    Remedy is available to all stakeholders, and suppliers are expected to have similar policies

    Human Rights

    Labour Rights / Decent Work



    Optional comment
    En medio ambiente, a partir del mapeo de nuestros impactos se buscan mitigarlos, reducirlos y finalmente compensarlos en magnitud y extensión afectada. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1FcLg-dR7GS8EiGDbpYj3wAT7GUwTXG5Q


    10. How does the company capture lessons regarding each of the following sustainability topics?

    No lessons are regularly captured

    Conducts root cause analyses/investigation of major incidents

    Conducts root cause analyses/investigation and changes organizational policies, processes, and practices accordingly

    Systematically conducts root cause analyses/investigation and leverages learnings to influence both internal and external affairs

    Human Rights

    Labour Rights / Decent Work



    Optional comment
    El monitoreo y control del riesgo, contribuye como fuente de información, los informes y/o reportes que suministren los responsables de las áreas involucradas dentro del proceso de control de la matriz de riesgos , teniendo en cuenta que por intermedio de los documentos soportados, se identifican las falencias detectadas en el sistema y los nuevos riegos a controlar, así mismo se tienen en cuenta las tipologías e información a través de los medios de comunicación en referencia a los delitos de corrupción y soborno transnacional. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1FcLg-dR7GS8EiGDbpYj3wAT7GUwTXG5Q

    Executive Pay

    11. Is executive pay linked to performance on one or more of the following sustainability topics?

    No, and we have no intention to change

    No, but we plan to within two years


    Human Rights

    Labour Rights / Decent Work



    Optional comment

    Board Composition

    12. Percentage of individuals within the company’s Board / highest governance body by:


    Not applicable (Please provide additional information)

    Total number of board members (#)


    Male (%)


    Female (%)


    Non-binary (%)


    Under 30 years old (%)


    30-50 years old (%)


    Above 50 years old (%)


    From minority or vulnerable groups (%)


    Executive (%)


    Independent (%)


    13. Do you produce sustainability reporting according to:


    Data Assurance

    14. Is the information disclosed in this questionnaire assured by a third-party?

    Estamos certificados por temas de auditorias tanto internas como externas
  • Human Rights

    Materiality / Saliency

    1. Which of the following has the company identified as material human rights issues connected with its operations and/or value chain, whether based on their salience (i.e., the most severe potential negative impacts on people) or another basis?

    Optional comment


    2. Does the company have a policy commitment in relation to the following human rights issues?

    No, and we have no plans to develop a policy

    No, but we plan to in the next two years

    Yes, included within a broader policy

    Yes, articulated as a stand-alone policy

    Rights of women and/or girls

    Freedom of expression

    Rights of refugees and migrants

    Digital security / privacy

    Rights of indigenous peoples

    Access to culture

    Free, prior and informed consent

    Access to water and sanitation

    Optional comment


    3. In the course of the reporting period, has the company engaged with affected stakeholders or their legitimate representatives in relation to the following human rights issues?

    No engagement on this topic

    To better understand the risks/ impacts in question

    To discuss potential ways to prevent or mitigate the risks/ impacts in question

    To agree on a way to prevent/ mitigate the risks/ impacts in question

    To assess progress in preventing /mitigating the risks/impacts in question

    To collaborate in the prevention/ mitigation of the risks/ impacts in question

    Rights of women and/or girls

    Freedom of expression

    Rights of refugees and migrants

    Digital security / privacy

    Rights of indigenous peoples

    Access to culture

    Free, prior and informed consent

    Access to water and sanitation

    Optional comment

    4. What type of action has the company taken in the reporting period with the aim of preventing/mitigating the risks/impacts associated with this human rights issue?

    Provided internal training/ capacity building for the direct workforce

    Building capacity among relevant business relationships (e.g., partners, suppliers, clients, etc.)

    Conducting an audit process and/or corrective action plan

    Collective Action with peers or other stakeholders to address the issue

    Collaboration with governmental or regulatory bodies

    Other (Please provide additional information)

    No action within reporting period

    Rights of women and/or girls

    Freedom of expression

    Rights of refugees and migrants

    Digital security / privacy

    Rights of indigenous peoples

    Access to culture

    Free, prior and informed consent

    Access to water and sanitation

    Optional comment

    5. Who receives training for the following human rights issues?

    No training provided

    Select employees

    All employees


    Direct suppliers of the organization

    Indirect suppliers of the organization

    Other – such as partners, clients, etc.

    Rights of women and/or girls

    Freedom of expression

    Rights of refugees and migrants

    Digital security / privacy

    Rights of indigenous peoples

    Access to culture

    Free, prior and informed consent

    Access to water and sanitation

    Optional comment

    6. How does the company assess progress in preventing/mitigating the risks/impacts associated with the following human rights issues?

    No monitoring of progress

    Review issues on ad-hoc basis

    Set annual targets/ goals, track progress over time (internal programs only)

    Set annual targets/ goals, track progress over time (internal and external programs)

    Other (Please provide additional information)

    Rights of women and/or girls

    Freedom of expression

    Rights of refugees and migrants

    Digital security / privacy

    Rights of indigenous peoples

    Access to culture

    Free, prior and informed consent

    Access to water and sanitation

    Optional comment


    7. During the reporting period, has the company been involved in providing or enabling remedy where it has caused or contributed to adverse impact associated with the following human rights issue(s)?



    Choose to not disclose

    Not applicable (Please provide additional information)

    Rights of women and/or girls

    Freedom of expression

    Rights of refugees and migrants

    Digital security / privacy

    Rights of indigenous peoples

    Access to culture

    Free, prior and informed consent

    Access to water and sanitation

    8. Briefly describe practical actions the company has taken during the reporting period and/or plans to take to implement the human rights principles, including any challenges faced and actions taken towards prevention and/or remediation.

    Pavimentos Colombia S.A.S ha manifestado sus compromisos en materia de Derechos Humanos en su código de ética, Código de Buen Gobierno, Políticas y Protocolos asociados; adicionalmente se esta trabajando para la implementación de políticas similares con su cadena de valor.
  • Labour


    1. Does the company have a policy commitment in relation to the following labour rights principles?

    No, and we have no plans to develop a policy

    No, but we plan to in the next two years

    Yes, included within a broader policy

    Yes, articulated as a stand-alone policy

    Not applicable (Please provide additional information)

    Freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining

    Forced labour

    Child labour

    Non-discrimination in respect of employment and occupation


    Occupational safety and health


    Working conditions (wages, working hours)

    Optional comment

    1.1. For each labour rights policy, is it:

    Aligned with international labour standards?

    Publicly available?

    Approved at most senior level of the company?

    Applied to the company’s own operations?

    Applied to the company’s supply chain and/or other business relationships?

    Developed involving labour rights expertise from inside and outside the company?

    Other (Please provide additional information)

    Freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining

    Forced labour

    Child labour

    Non-discrimination in respect of employment and occupation

    Occupational safety and health

    Working conditions (wages, working hours)


    2. In the course of the reporting period, has the company engaged with affected stakeholders or their legitimate representatives in relation to the following labour rights issues?

    No engagement on this topic

    To better understand the risks/ impacts in question

    To discuss potential ways to prevent or mitigate the risks/ impacts in question

    To agree on a way to prevent/ mitigate the risks/ impacts in question

    To assess progress in preventing/ mitigating the risks /impacts in question

    To collaborate in the prevention/ mitigation of the risks/ impacts in question

    Other (Please provide additional information)

    Freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining

    Forced labour

    Child labour

    Non-discrimination in respect of employment and occupation

    Occupational safety and health

    Working conditions (wages, working hours)

    Optional comment

    3. What type of action has the company taken in the reporting period with the aim of preventing/mitigating the risks/impacts associated with this labour rights issue?

    Provided internal training/ capacity building for the direct workforce

    Building capacity among relevant business relationships (e.g., partners, suppliers, clients, etc.)

    Conducting an audit process and/or corrective action plan

    Collective Action with peers or other stakeholders, in particular workers' organizations, to address the issue

    Collaboration with governmental or regulatory bodies

    Other (Please provide additional information)

    No action within reporting period

    Freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining

    Forced labour

    Child labour

    Non-discrimination in respect of employment and occupation

    Occupational safety and health

    Working conditions (wages, working hours)

    Optional comment

    4. Who receives training for the following labour rights issues?

    No training provided

    Select employees

    All employees


    Direct suppliers of the organization

    Indirect suppliers of the organization

    Other – such as partners, clients, etc.

    Freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining

    Forced labour

    Child labour

    Non-discrimination in respect of employment and occupation

    Occupational safety and health

    Working conditions (wages, working hours)

    Optional comment

    5. How does the company assess progress in preventing/mitigating the risks/impacts associated with the following labour rights issues?

    No monitoring of progress

    Review issues on ad-hoc basis

    Set annual targets/ goals, track progress over time (internal programs only)

    Set annual targets/ goals, track progress over time (internal and external programs)

    Other (Please provide additional information)

    Freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining

    Forced labour

    Child labour

    Non-discrimination in respect of employment and occupation

    Occupational safety and health

    Working conditions (wages, working hours)

    Optional comment


    6. What is the percentage of employees covered under collective bargaining agreements?

    Percent of employees (%)


    Employees covered under collective bargaining (%)


    7. What is the percentage of employees in a trade union or other workers' organization?

    Percent of employees (%)


    Not applicable (Please provide additional information)

    Employees in a trade union or on a worker committee (%)

    Optional comment
    Durante el periodo reportado no existen en la compañía sindicatos u otra organización de trabajadores.

    8. In the course of the reporting period, what was the percentage of women in:

    Percent of women (%)


    Senior leadership level position


    Non-executive board


    9. What was the average ratio of the basic salary and remuneration of women to men (comparing jobs of equal value) during the reporting period?

    Salary ratio (%)


    Choose to not disclose

    Women / Men (%)

    Optional comment
    En Pavimentos Colombia S.A.S los salarios son asignados por el perfil de los cargos sin importar el género, como se evidencia en nuestra Política de igualdad salarial. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1FcLg-dR7GS8EiGDbpYj3wAT7GUwTXG5Q

    10. In the course of the reporting period, how frequently were workers injured (injuries per hour worked)?

    Frequency of injury


    Choose to not disclose

    Frequency of injury

    Optional comment
    Por cada mil trabajadores 0.43 sufrieron accidentes con lesión

    11. In the course of the reporting period, what was the company’s incident rate?

    Incident rate


    Choose to not disclose

    Incident rate

    Optional comment
    El 0.49% de los trabajadores en promedio han tenido accidentes de trabajo.

    Response and Reporting

    12. In the course of the reporting period, has the company been involved in providing or enabling remedy where it has caused or contributed to the adverse impact associated with the following labour rights issues?



    Choose to not disclose

    Not applicable (Please provide additional information)

    Freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining

    Forced labour

    Child labour

    Non-discrimination in respect of employment and occupation

    Occupational safety and health

    Working conditions (wages, working hours)

    Optional comment

    13. Briefly describe practical actions the company has taken during the reporting period and/or plans to take to implement the labour rights principles, including any challenges faced and actions taken towards prevention and/or remediation.

    Durante el periodo de reporte enero 2021-abril 2022 hemos tomado acciones que garantizan los derechos laborales de todos nuestros colaboradores como lo son: -Capacitaciones a todos nuestros colaboradores en la prevención de todo los tipos de acoso. -Capacitación a nuestra cadena de valor en garantías laborales -Actualizamos nuestro Reglamento Interno de Trabajo -Consolidación de nuestro comité igualitario y de convivencia -Certificación Sello Equipares Plata y renovación a Sello Equipares Oro -Capacitación y campañas en prevención de lesiones y accidentes https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1FcLg-dR7GS8EiGDbpYj3wAT7GUwTXG5Q
  • Environment


    1. Does the company have a formal policy on the following environmental topics?

    No, and we have no plans to develop a policy

    No, but we plan to in the next two years

    Yes, included within a broader policy

    Yes, articulated as a stand-alone policy

    Not applicable (Please provide additional information)

    Climate Action






    Forests / Biodiversity / Land Use


    Air Pollution


    Waste (e.g., chemical spills, solid waste, hazardous, plastic, etc.)


    Energy & Resource Use

    Optional comment
    A través de la política HSEQ se estaqblecen los compromisos de la empresa con el medio ambiente. A su vez, a estos compromisos se les da cumplimiento con la implementaciÓn de programas de sostenibilidad ambiental como: Cambio Climático; programa Nacional de Carbono Neutralidad, optimización del recurso agua, gestión integral de residuos, gestión integral del plástico de un solo uso, consumo racional de energía. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1FcLg-dR7GS8EiGDbpYj3wAT7GUwTXG5Q

    1.1. For each environmental policy, is it:

    Aligned with international environmental standards?

    Publicly available?

    Approved at most senior level of the company?

    Applied to the company’s own operations?

    Applied to the company’s supply chain and/or other business relationships?

    Developed involving environmental expertise from inside and outside the company?

    Other (Please provide additional information)

    Climate Action



    Forests / Biodiversity / Land Use

    Air Pollution

    Waste (e.g., chemical spills, solid waste, hazardous, plastic, etc.)

    Energy & Resource Use

    Optional comment
    La política general se encuentra disponible para todo el público externo e interno, en la página web de la empresa.


    2. In the course of the reporting period, has the company engaged with affected stakeholders or their legitimate representatives in relation to the following environmental issues?

    No engagement on this topic

    To better understand the risks/ impacts in question

    To discuss potential ways to prevent or mitigate the risks/ impacts in question

    To agree on a way to prevent/ mitigate the risks/ impacts in question

    To assess progress in preventing/ mitigating the risks/ impacts in question

    To collaborate in the prevention/ mitigation of the risks/ impacts in question

    Other (Please provide additional information)

    Climate Action



    Forests / Biodiversity / Land Use

    Air Pollution

    Waste (e.g., chemical spills, solid waste, hazardous, plastic, etc.)

    Energy & Resource Use

    Optional comment
    Previo a la ejecución de los proyectos se realizan acercamientos con las partes interesadas como comunidad, Autoridades Ambientales, Autoridades locales y nacionales, proveedores y subcontratistas. En el proceso de explotación se exigen programas medioambientales con los que se evalua los riesgos que son socializados con la comunidad https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1FcLg-dR7GS8EiGDbpYj3wAT7GUwTXG5Q

    3. What type of action has the company taken in the reporting period with the aim of preventing/mitigating the risks/impacts associated with these environmental topics?

    Provided internal training/ capacity building for the direct workforce

    Building capacity among relevant business relationships (e.g., partners, suppliers, clients, etc.)

    Conducting an audit process and/or corrective action plan

    Collective Action with peers or other stakeholders to address the issue

    Collaboration with governmental or regulatory bodies

    Other (Please provide additional information)

    No action within reporting period

    Climate Action



    Forests / Biodiversity / Land Use

    Air Pollution

    Waste (e.g., chemical spills, solid waste, hazardous, plastic, etc.)

    Energy & Resource Use

    Optional comment
    Internamente se desarrollan diferentes programas de sensibilización y de cultura. La empresa realiza constantemente procesos de auditorías internas y externas para determinar el cumplimiento de las acciones definidas, como por ejemplo la Auditoría específica del Programa de Excelencia Ambiental Empresarial - PREAD. Colaboración de organismos como la SDA, participación programas ambientales. Se selecciona OTROS, ya que se realizan diferentes actividades en pro de los temas ambientales mencionados. Compensación huella, compost, entre otros https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1FcLg-dR7GS8EiGDbpYj3wAT7GUwTXG5Q

    4. How does the company assess progress in preventing/mitigating the risks/impacts associated with the following environmental topics?

    No monitoring of progress

    Review issues on ad-hoc basis

    Set annual targets/ goals, track progress over time (internal programs only)

    Set annual targets/ goals, track progress over time (internal and external programs)

    Other (Please provide additional information)

    Climate Action



    Forests / Biodiversity / Land Use

    Air Pollution

    Waste (e.g., chemical spills, solid waste, hazardous, plastic, etc.)

    Energy & Resource Use

    Optional comment
    Anualmente se definen unos programas ambientales con objetivos, metas, indicadores y unas actividades relacionadas. De manera mensual se le realiza seguimiento. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1FcLg-dR7GS8EiGDbpYj3wAT7GUwTXG5Q

    5. In the course of the reporting period, has the company been involved in providing or enabling remedy for any actual impacts associated with the following environmental issue(s)?



    Choose to not disclose

    Not applicable (Please provide additional information)

    Climate Action



    No tenemos intervenciones sobre estas àreas.

    Forests / Biodiversity / Land Use

    Air Pollution

    Waste (e.g., chemical spills, solid waste, hazardous, plastic, etc.)

    Energy & Resource Use

    Optional comment
    Es importante aclarar que durante el periodo reportado no se evidencian derrames.

    Climate Action

    6. What were the company’s gross global greenhouse gas emissions for the reporting period?

    Scope 1 Emissions

    Emissions (tCO2e)


    Scope 2 Emissions

    Emissions (tCO2e)


    Scope 3 Emissions

    Para el periodo de reporte no se realizó la medición del alcance 3, sin embargo para el próximo periodo se planea realizar esta medición.

    Emissions (tCO2e)

    Optional comment

    7. What percentage of the company's revenue was invested in R&D of low-carbon products/services during this reporting period?

    Percent of revenue (%)

    Por el cor del negocio
    Optional comment

    8. Has the organization acted to support climate change adaptation and resilience?

    Optional comment

    Energy / Resource Use

    9. Please report the company's renewable energy consumption as a percentage of total energy consumption in the reporting period.

    % of total energy consumption

    Optional comment
    Para el periodo evaluado se generaron 23345.07 kwh de energía limpia y se consumieron 413668.96 kwh en todos los centros de trabajo https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1FcLg-dR7GS8EiGDbpYj3wAT7GUwTXG5Q


    10. What percent of the company's revenue came from environmentally friendly products / services during this reporting period?

    Percent of total revenue (%)

    por el cor del negocio

    Sector-specific Questions

    11. Which sector(s) does the company operate in? If diversified, choose top 3 by revenue.

    Optional comment
    Somos una empresa dedicada a la ejecución de estudios y diseños de proyectos de infraestructura, explotación y trituración de materiales pétreos, producción de mezcla asfáltica, construcción de proyectos de infraestructura y ejecución de ensayos y suelos de pavimentos.

    Sector-specific: Water

    12. Please provide details regarding the company's water withdrawal and consumption (own operations) during the reporting period.

    Water withdrawal (volume of water in megaliters):



    Not applicable (Please provide additional information)


    No plica ya que no realizamos extracción de estos recursos


    No plica ya que no realizamos extracción de estos recursos

    Surface water:

    No aplica ya que no realizamos extracción de estos recursos




    No aplica ya que no realizamos extracción de estos recursos

    Percentage of water withdrawn in regions with high or extremely high water stress (%)

    Se desconoce si el agua que consumimos tiene estas características https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1FcLg-dR7GS8EiGDbpYj3wAT7GUwTXG5Q

    Water consumption (volume of water in megaliters):



    Not applicable (Please provide additional information)



    No se hace extracción

    Surface water:





    Percentage of water consumed in regions with high or extremely high water stress (%)

    Optional comment

    13. Please provide details about the company’s water intensity of products in regions with high or extremely high water stress.

    Water intensity of products (cubic meter/$):

    En la empresa no aplica, ya que no se consume agua proveniente de regiones con estrés hídrico alto o extremadamente alto. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1FcLg-dR7GS8EiGDbpYj3wAT7GUwTXG5Q

    Sector-specific: Forest, biodiversity, and land use

    14. Please report the number and area (in hectares) of sites owned, leased, or managed by the company in or adjacent to protected areas and/or key biodiversity areas (KBA).



    Not applicable (Please provide additional information)




    Optional comment

    15. What area (in hectares) of natural ecosystems was converted during the reporting period in areas owned, leased, or managed by the company?

    Conversion of natural resources (hectares)

    No tenemos posesión de ninguna área que sea ecosistemas naturales
    Optional comment

    16. Is the company supporting or implementing project(s) focused on ecosystem restoration and protection?


    No, but we plan to in the next 2 years


    Forest ecosystem restoration

    Other ecosystem restoration


    0.376 HECTAREAS

    Natural regeneration


    Set-aside land

    Biodiversity offsetting

    Other (please specify in text box)

    Optional comment

    Sector-specific: Waste

    18. Please report the company's total weight of waste generated in metric tonnes during the reporting period.

    Waste Generated (t)

    Optional comment

    19. Please report the percentage of the company's waste that was hazardous waste (i.e., hazardous waste ratio) during the reporting period.

    Hazardous Waste Ratio (%)

    Optional comment

    20. Please report the company's estimated metric tonnes of single-use plastic consumed wherever material along the value chain during the reporting period.

    Single-use plastics (tonnes)

    Optional comment
    El bajo consumo se debe a la implementación de un programa de gestión integral de plastico de un solo uso que se ha venido implementando desde el año 2018, en procura de desincentivar el consumo de bolsas, mezcladores o vasos plásticos y sustituir por materiales reutilizables, biodegradables o más amigables con el medio ambiente como lo son las bolsas de almidón de maíz, costales de yute o bolsas de papel kraft. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1FcLg-dR7GS8EiGDbpYj3wAT7GUwTXG5Q

    Overall Environment

    21. Briefly describe practical actions the company has taken during the reporting period and/or plans to take to implement the environment principles, including any challenges faced and actions taken towards prevention and/or remediation.

    Pavimentos Colombia ha implementado diferentes proyectos de economía circular, cambio climático, reducción de huella de carbono corporativa y seguridad alimentaria dirigidos a prevenir y mitigar los impactos sobre el medio ambiente. Entre estos se destacan: -Aprovechamiento de residuos orgánicos y vegetales para la generación de abono, por medio de tecnicas de compostaje como pacas biodigestoras y vermicompost. Reciclaje de residuos plásticos a través de la campaña Botellas de Amor incentivando la participación de los trabjadores y a la comunidad (Juntas de Accion Comunal, Fundacioenes, Instituciones Educativas, Interventorías, entre otras). Reutilización de materiales aprovechables generados en obra para elaboración de materas, jardines verticales o sistemas de captación de agua lluvia. Implementación de un sistema fotovoltáico para la generación de energía limpia y reducción en el conusmo de energía convencional y huella de carbono. Siembras voluntarias de especies arbóreas. Instalacion de un aislamiento térmico en la tubería de conducción de asfalto en la Planta de producción en Sibaté. (Proyecto de reconversión tecnológica). Contrucción e implementacion de huertas urbanas, comunitarias y caseras. Contrucción de sistemas de captación de agua lluvia. Dentro de las acciones por desarrollar resaltamos la implementación del Sistema de Gestión Basura Cero y la obtención de la certificación de carbono neutro.
  • Anti-corruption


    1. Does the company have an anti-corruption compliance programme?

    Optional comment

    2. Does your company have policies and recommendations for employees on how to act in case of doubt and/or in situations that may represent a conflict of interest, e.g. with regard to gifts and hospitality, donations, sponsorship, or interactions with public officials?

    Optional comment
    La Política de Transparencia y Ética Empresarial , así como las políticas de cumplimiento se encuentran establecidas en el Manual PTEE. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1FcLg-dR7GS8EiGDbpYj3wAT7GUwTXG5Q


    3. Who receives training on anti-corruption and integrity?

    Optional comment

    3.1. How often is such training provided?

    One time only

    Every year

    Every two or more years

    We do not collect this data

    All employees

    Select employees


    Direct suppliers of the organization

    Other – such as partners, clients, etc.

    Indirect suppliers of the organization

    Optional comment

    4. Does the company monitor its anti-corruption compliance programme?

    Optional comment
    Estas supervisiones se realizan a través controles establecidos en la Matriz de Riesgos

    Response and Reporting

    5. Please report the company's total number and nature of incidents of corruption during the reporting year.

    Number of incident(s)


    Choose to not disclose

    Confirmed during the current year, but related to previous years


    Confirmed during the current year, and related to this year

    Optional comment
    Durante el periodo reportado (enero 2021-abril 2022) no se presentaron incidentes de corrupción. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1FcLg-dR7GS8EiGDbpYj3wAT7GUwTXG5Q

    6. Within the reporting period, what measures has the company taken to address suspected incidents of corruption independently or in response to a dispute or investigation by a government regulator?

    Optional comment

    7. Does your company engage in Collective Action against corruption?

    Como parte de nuestro Sistema de Autocontrol y Gestión del Riesgo Integral de Lavados de Activos, financiación del terrorismo y financiación de la proliferación de armas de destrucción masiva (SAGRILAFT) , el cual forma parte de nuestro Modelo de Gobernanza, implementamos la debida diligencia a toda nuestra cadena de valor y grupos de interés en materia de lucha ante la corrupción. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1FcLg-dR7GS8EiGDbpYj3wAT7GUwTXG5Q

    8. Briefly describe practical actions the company has taken during the reporting period and/or plans to take to implement the anti-corruption principle, including any challenges faced and actions taken towards prevention and/or remediation.

    La Organización ha implementado el Programa de Transparencia y Ética Empresarial, promoviendo el actuar Ético y transparente ante sus grupos de interés, fomentando la integridad y la cultura de legalidad bajo la filosofía de Cero Tolerancia, en cualquier conducta que pudiese ser considerada soborno o que pueda, en cualquier otra forma, ser considerada corrupta, mediante la adopción de buenas practicas, entre ellas capacitaciones, campañas de sensibilización, monitoreo de los riesgos a los que puede estar expuesta la Organización y la puesta en marcha de canales de denuncia. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1FcLg-dR7GS8EiGDbpYj3wAT7GUwTXG5Q